another Charlie Puth imagine....

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IM SORRY BUT IM NOT SORRY. This one will prob have a part two.

Imagine being Mrs. Puth and your husband having to watch your four year old.


"BABE!!!!!!!!" You screamed through the house. "What!!!?!! What's wrong?!?!" "I NEED A BREAK FROM THE KID." You scream in his face while shaking his shoulders. "Babe... Go take a spa day. I'll watch Emily." "Do you really think you can handle-" "yes babe. I can do this. She's my princess." "I thought I was your princess..." He smiled. "You were, but now you're my queen." You felt tears run down your cheeks. You still haven't told him you're pregnant again. But you kinda thought it was obvious. "Honey..." "I'm fine.. I'm fine. Spa day. I'm gonna call Claire and ask if she wants to come yeah?" He nodded. "Ok darling... Just. Take as much time as you need ok?" "But I'll miss you." He smiled. "I'll miss you too babe." He rubbed your back, and kissed your forehead. "Go have fun." "Ok." You watched him run into the living room and pick up Emily. You couldn't help but watch and mark this as a memory. You've never even begun to imagine regretting marrying this singer/ songwriter. He was everything you needed. "Higher! Higher!" Emily giggled as Charlie tossed her up in the air. "Higher? Wow you're so brave!" He said with playful surprise on his face. You slipped out your phone and snuck a picture. Then you remember your plans and walk out the door.
Eight hours later---

You open the front door quietly. And walk into the living room, finding both Charlie and Emily asleep on the couch. She was laying against his chest. A position you often find yourself  in. You quickly take another picture and post it on Facebook. "He's definitely a keeper 🥰" was the caption. Immediately the post blew up with likes and comments. You snuggle your way onto the couch. Trying not to wake him up. "Babe... You're home..." His sleepy voice said. "Mhm." You whispered. "I missed you." He grumbled. "I missed you too baby." You kissed his forehead. "She's asleep?" He asked. "Yeah baby. She is." You smiled. "Good." He got up slowly and put her in her crib. "She's so tiny." "Yeah she is." "Your turn to cuddle me." He smiled sleepily. "Absolutely." You lead him to your bed. "I love you babe." "I  love you too."

All the while you have no idea he's been writing a song about you.

Sheesh that one was short I'm sorry... But I hope you liked it!

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