Prince Caspian (part 2)

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Y/n's p.o.v

I walked back into the How after watching Lucy heal her dwarf friend. "Caspian?" I called. I frowned when I heard no reply. There was only one way in and out. And I'd been there the entire time... "Caspian?!" I said a bit louder. Still no reply. I made my way rather quickly into the tomb at the stone table. To find something that terrified me. "No, this isn't what I wanted!" Caspian shouted as the hag cut his hand, which was being held by a werewolf. In front of them, stood the white witch. "Just one drop. Come on."  I ran back into the hall to shout for the four siblings to help, before charging on the hag. "Caspian you have to get out of the circle!" I shouted at him, as I battled the two. "Caspian!" Peter shouted running in, with Susan, Edmund and Lucy right behind him. I stabbed the hag and tossed her across the  room into a wall. Peter knocked Caspian out of the circle, and took his place, as Susan and I battled the wolf, and Lucy fought Nickabrick. "Susan!" I shouted upon seeing Nickabrick twist Lucy's arm behind her back. She went to shoot him, but Edmund stabbed him before she could. I made one more quick movement, and cut off the wolfs head before running to Caspian's side. "Peter dear. I've miss you." I was shocked as Peter started to move his hand towards her. Caspian grabbed my hand to keep me from moving. "What are you doing? He has to be taken out of the circle!" He pulled me closer so my face was against his and I could see from his perspective. Edmund, launched his sword into the ice and into the witch. She screamed and the ice busted. Once everything settled, Peter looked at Edmund. "I know. You had it sorted." He said snarky. "You good?" I asked Edmund. Who nodded. I stood up, and held a hand out for Caspian. "Don't suppose you could spare some cordial over here, eh Lucy?" I motioned towards Caspian's hand. "Of course." "Peter." I said as I caught him about to walk off. "You know that I am loyal to you. To the death. But more then a duty, I love you like my own brother. You may be King, but you need to remember, that as King, it is important to listen to the ones you love." He nodded before walking out. "You never cease to amaze me." I smiled before patting Edmunds back. "Good job." He smiled back. "It felt good to stab her back. Even though Lucy healed me, I still have the scar. Aslan says it's to remind me of the sacrifice needed at times to save others from great evil." "You've done that more then once now. I'm very proud of you." "Thank you Y/n." I nod before he exited, Lucy and Susan following. "They said they could help me claim the throne. I should have known better-" Caspian said as soon as their footsteps could no longer be heard. "Caspian. We all make mistakes. Nothing happened though. Except for taking out a few threats to our cause." I mentioned to the three laying on the ground. "Something could've happened though. And it would have been my fault." He sat down in a heap. I sat beside him, rubbing his back. "I'm just glad you're ok." I whispered. He looked at me, his breath heavy. "What is this between us?" I was a bit taken aback. "I mean, it's obvious that we both care about each other, and that we want something more then friendship. And yet both of us have yet to mention anything... Or make move." " I think perhaps, we have both made a move. Otherwise neither of us would know the other cares." He placed a hand on his mouth, thinking. "What does that make us though?" I sigh before shrugging. "Well what do you want us to be?" He turned to face me. "Do you want my honest answer, as to what I think about every time I see you, or think about you?" I nod slightly. "I want you, to be my wife." My heart began to flutter. "I know we haven't talked about anything like this before ... But like you said, it's obvious we both care for each other. How much more would we care, if we were to be something... Officially." "So .... You want to be my suitor?" I bit the inside of my lip. "If ... If you'll have me." He looked at the ground. "I would really like that." I cupped his face in my hands. "May I?" He asked, placing his hands on mine. I nod, trying to calm my beating heart, as he leaned in. Our lips connected and the feeling of joy was overwhelming. We didn't break the kiss until we heard a cough. "Nothing is more satisfying then when two people you knew were destined for each other realize it too." Edmund smiled. "I'm just glad you approve of me." Caspian smiled back, earning a laugh from Edmund. "But seriously when's the wedding?" "Edmund!" I scolded. "Ok ok, take your time... I just hope I'm here for it. You know?" "We'll talk about it." I assured him. "Now, the real reason I came back in here... There's talmarines approaching." "Edmund!! You think that would've been the first thing you said!" I shouted at him as I began running, Caspian beside me. "I didn't want to ruin the moment!!" Edmund defended himself, causing me to roll my eyes. "Beards and breadsticks." We're Trumpkin's words as we all walked outside to greet our coming foes. "I knew we'd need more soldiers." Edmund sighed. "We need Aslan." I stated. "We need a plan." Peter said pushing past us to walk inside. We all exchanged looks before following him. "By the way Y/N and Caspian are engaged." Edmund said to Peter causing him to stop. "What?" "We're not engaged Peter. He's hit his head one to many times." I assured him. "Nope. We're not engaged. Yet." Caspian laughed. "Just do me a favor and leave the baby making for after the war." My face reddened. "Of course." Caspian smiled. I'm two thousand years old, you'd think things wouldn't embarrass me anymore. I mentally face-palmed myself. "Let's get this over with as quickly as possible." Caspian whispered to me. "Huh?" "The war." "Huh??" I had lost my train of thought after being so embarrassed. "So we can get married. And have those babies." My eyes widened making him laugh. "I'm kidding! Of course will have to be married at least a year before that." I tried to keep myself from fainting. "You're too attractive to be talking like this right before a war." My voice wasnt as loud as I wanted it to be. "I'll have everyone ready for the wedding as soon as we win the war." Edmund said smiling as he passed us. "I told you that you were engaged."

(Well I wasn't sure how I wanted to end this one, so I suppose I'll let your imagination run wild. Hope you enjoyed! Please leave a vote if you did!)

Celebrity One shots and imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ