Part : 14 { A Horrible Human Being }

Start from the beginning

Kikyo: So that's how you found out Class A's leader.

Kiyotaka: As for day two, we scouted Class B and D for our "first" time and found Kaneda's at Class B's camp, confirming my spy theory even more. While we were talking to Ryuuen, I spotted a receiver on his table, which led me to speculate about his "Zero Points" strategy, where he'll waste all 300 points for whatever he needs before his class retires but stay on the island with his spies to guess all the class leaders at the end thus granting him up to 150 Class Points if it succeeded.

Kikyo: You deduced his entire plan due to one single slip-up...??

I just ignored Kikyo and continued.

Kiyotaka: For day three, nothing happened until day four. Which is when we scouted out Class A and were proposed a deal by Hashimoto. This made me instantly deduce that Ryuuen was in contact with the Sakayanagi faction, who were willing to sell out their leaders for Private Points.

Kikyo: That does make sense... But what about Class A students who suddenly retired the next day??

Kiyotaka: That's where Ike's discovery of poisonous berries came in. You see, I slipped crushed poisonous berries into their water supply at midnight when most of their guards and class were either half asleep or in slumber.

Kikyo: Wait!! Is that even allowed?!

Kiyotaka: Of course it is. The school wouldn't allow such mistakes to slip past their borders. The fact is that the school intentionally put those berries that weren't lethal on the island. The most they could've done was make someone fall unconscious or ill for a few days.

Kikyo: The school really does like putting in loopholes... and they couldn't even find out who the culprits are due to there being no way to find any fingerprints on liquified mater...

Kiyotaka: Exactly. Day five went by peacefully except for the unexpected five retired Class A students, now for day Six. I hinted to Ibuki multiple times throughout the day that I had the card in my pocket. And obviously, a desperate Ibuki who had her camera destroyed by me on the fifth day became desperate to steal my card, which led to me giving Horikita my card leading to her getting pummeled by Ryuuen and Ibuki while I was recording the entire thing from high up in the trees.

Kikyo: ...which led to Class D being disqualified... Yeah, I already know that.

Kiyotaka: That's basically the synopsis of my counters throughout the week.

Kikyo: So you pitied Class B... Destroyed Class D, and broke Class A... All this without anyone even knowing it was you... You might've even broke Ryuuen...

Kiyotaka: You can put it that way, I guess.

Kikyo: 'sigh' I will never understand what goes on inside your head...

Kiyotaka: It's better that way, to be honest.

Kikyo: Can I stay here for a bit?

Kiyotaka: Sure, I don't mind.

We both enjoyed the view in silence until it started turning dark, and we had to split ways.

I hope I get to enjoy at least one day in peace... my intuition is telling me that this is only the first Special Exam... I hope it will be easier... as it will be taking place directly on this boat... whatever happens... I'll make Class B rise to Class A... and then...

Then I will break Karuizawa Kei.

4183 Words

Class A+ 70 - -150 points (5 drop outs = 30 x 5 = minues 150 points) - -100 points (getting guessed by Class B and C) - +50 points due to guessing Class B's leader courtesy of Ryuuen

Class B + 240 - no getting guessed by Ryuuen - -50 due to class A guessing - +50 due to guessing class A

Class C (Main class)+ 267 - +145 from saving and spending and holding their point (+ 20 points due to girls, not secretly buying fans) - +50 points from guessing Class A (not Ryuuen cuz his class was disqualified) - +72 points due to morning capturing spots done by kiyo (6x12 got 12 points per day since the second day)

Class D
- Disqualified -

I'm gonna be honest here I'm not really proud of these past 4 parts they felt rushed and not planned out I might take a bit longer to produce later parts just so I dont stumble through special exams with asspulls and not that good minds games i might make a remastered version of these 4 parts in the future with the same results but idk when

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