Chapter 49: Five years later

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Rory and Tristan have four kids now. They had Zeke in 2009, they had Tristan Alexander in November 2011, they had their first daughter Lorelai Emily in February 2013, and they just had their last daughter they named her Delilah Alecia, two months ago. 

So, now their family is complete they are ages 6, 3, 2, and two months. They are very happy, and all of their children have bright blonde hair and blue eyes. Zeke and Alex look like twins, and it appears Em, and Lilly will look alike. 

Tristan is still working for his dad Sam and ready to take over the company when he is ready to retire. Rory still works for HarperCollins Publishers, they have a great life, and Rory has been able to be a stay-at-home mom since she works from home.

They still visit with their friends when they are in town. Finn and Steph finally got together, and Juliette and Colin are together. 

They have been married for seven years now, and they are even happier than they were when they got married. Zeke asked about his name, and where it came from, Tristan took him to the shadowbox on the wall.

He said, "this man right here was a good friend of mine and your uncles. His name was Robert, and he loved your mommy very much, he was engaged to marry your mom before we got together. Robert was killed in a car wreck, and he knew I loved your mom very much, so when he passed away then, we started dating. Your mom and I have never forgotten Robert, and that is why this special box on the wall with his picture and the ring he gave your mom when he asked her to be his wife."

"That's cool that you remember him and named me after him, but I am glad you are my daddy instead." Tristan bent down and hugged Zeke.

Rory stood off to the side and listened to their conversation, and she was also glad that she married Tristan. They got along really well they had a great marriage. It wasn't perfect they had disagreements and arguments, but they were just over simple stuff. 

Rory was really glad that she bumped into Tristan that night when she walking home from Yale. She couldn't even imagine where her life would be right now without Tristan.

She had a great husband, four amazing kids, a great beautiful house, and a job that made her happy and paid really well while she was able to raise their kids. 

She had her tubes tied, and Tristan had a vasectomy when Lilly was born. She was holding their youngest daughter, and she just hugged her tighter. This was their last baby, and she was going to cherish every moment she could with her.  

Tristan was sitting on the floor, playing with their kids. She was watching how great he was with all of their children. He took Zeke to his soccer games every Saturday, and he always takes Em, Alex, and Zeke to the park. He always reads to Lilly every night and rocks her to sleep. 

He is a great father to all of our children, and for that, I will forever be thankful. Mom and Alex come over every week and spend time with the kids. Dad and Katrina got married right after Alex was born, and they come over every weekend, Sam and Kate also come over every week. 

So, our kids are very loved. Grandma and Grandpa don't really come over much because grandpa had another heart attack two years ago. So, we take them over to their house every Friday for our Friday night dinners. 

As I said, our friends come over when they are in town. Logan married Bobbie two years ago, and they just had a son named Elias right before Lilly was born. He flies in every few months to visit us. 

He told Tristan the last time he came to visit that things worked out the way they were supposed to, he is happy, and we are happy.

Tristan bought us a vacation home for our first anniversary in Martha's vineyard. It is an oceanfront home, we go up a few times a year with the kids. They love it, especially when we go up in the summer. 

We stay a few weeks each time, Tris just works from there. He finally fired Violet because six months after we got married, she kissed him. They were the only ones working on a project, he said she came into his office and told him she loved him. She pushed her body against his and kissed him. He shoved her away and fired her. He even brought me the video and let me see that he didn't do anything to make her think that was okay.

I know that I don't have to worry about Tristan cheating on me he has always been faithful. He has always been open about things, and I have no reason not to trust him. 

I start upstairs to lay Lilly down, and I hear Tristan say my name, "baby, bring her here, I will hold her." I walk over and lay Lilly in his arms. He loves our kids so much. He's definitely nothing like his dad he actually wants to be around his kids.

Sometimes he will work from home because he doesn't want to leave the kids, and I love him so much for loving our kids. 

Since all of our kids have been born, our sex life is even more amazing. We spend the evenings alone after they are all in bed. 

He would always make me feel special when I was pregnant. He said my being pregnant always turned him on, and I was so sexy. Even when I didn't feel sexy, he always told me I was.

I guess it did because we popped out four kids in six years. Every time we would find out we were pregnant, everyone would joke with Tristan and tell him he needed to sleep in a different room after that one was born so we couldn't have anymore. 

He would laugh and tell them that would never happen besides, we planned for each and every baby we had. None of our kids were unplanned. We used birth control until we were ready for another one.  

Our family is just the way we planned, we had discussed three or four kids, and after our third was born, we decided we wanted one more. We got two boys and two girls.  

Zeke is always taking care of his siblings I feel bad for the girls when they get older, he won't let them do anything.

I love my family, I love my kids, I love my husband, and I love our life together. Nothing could ever change that. 

I finish cooking dinner and set the kid's plates down. I go to the living room to get the kids washed up for dinner. Tristan sat Lilly in her bouncer, and we took the other three to wash their hands as we did.

Tristan picks Lilly back up, and he holds her during dinner. I think he is trying to spend as much time with her since she is our last baby. I smile at my husband as we eat dinner and had conversations with the other three. This is my family, and I am so proud they are mine.                

Then you came along (A Robert/Tristan fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang