Chapter 15: Paris here we come

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It has been two weeks since we returned from New York. We had an amazing weekend. Rory and I are spending three weeks in Paris. We will return the day after New Year's.

We are going to the city of love at Christmas time, and this would have been the best place to propose. I may bring her back this summer and propose here.

If I had asked Lorelai and Chris prior to our trip, this would have been perfect. She has me wrapped around her finger, and I am so in love with her. She adores me, and she is so good to me, and we are perfect together. 

We board our flight, and Lorelai wasn't happy we were spending Christmas in Paris. So, I decided to leave her and Alex two tickets for ten days and booked them a room.

That way, Rory and Lorelai wouldn't be apart for the holidays. Rory doesn't know that I invited her mom here for the holidays.

We have three weeks to enjoy the city, see the sights, and make love. She can drive me crazy with a simple look. She says I do that to her, and she calls my eyes bedroom eyes. 

I start working full-time in the spring after Rory's spring break, we are going to Hawaii for vacation. She wants to travel the world I am going to make sure she gets to see every place she has ever dreamed of. 

I know she has been to Paris, she and Lorelai went on a backpacking trip after she graduated from high school.

Then she came back with her grandma the summer before we met, but this is her time to see Paris with her lover.

The romantic parts, the fountains, dancing in the street. The we can't make it home so let's make love in the park, side of Paris. 

Once the plane levels out, we unbuckle our seat belts. She walks over and sits down on my lap. She wraps her hands around my neck and just snuggles into me. 

I am enjoying the feeling of her, and I love being so close to her. "Baby, I promise we are going to have an amazing time. I will make Christmas special for you since I know you will be missing Lorelai."  

"Yea, this is the first time I have ever been away from her at Christmas. She has always loved Christmas. I know it was the only way we could work the trip after your graduation, my classes ending, and before school starts back. I love you, for always thinking about the perfect vacations to take me on. I am really ready to see the city from the eyes of my lover."

He had arranged to take her to the Moulin Rouge cabaret show he had already purchased the tickets, the Dark city secrets walking tour, they were going to take a dinner cruise in River Seine, dinner at the Eiffel Tower, A romantic Montmartre exploration game, Arc de Triomphe rooftop, and the rest we would figure out. 

I just want to make her happy and see her smile. I also got a sweet treat for her with a bakery tour, she will learn how to make chocolates and get to take home several boxes. 

We have a few champagne and wine tours to take. I am just happy to have her for a full three weeks, all to myself. When we are at home, she has classes, and I have had meetings, she visits Lorelai and her friends in Stars Hollow.  

So, not a lot of time for just us besides, with the guys showing up or inviting us to the pub. She always agrees because she knows they are my friends, but I would just rather spend the time alone with her at home, cuddled up on our couch.

Yes, we make incredible love a lot, but I think the times we spend just talking and cuddling are more intimate those are the moments I live for.

We sit like this for a little bit, just enjoying each other. She goes to move, and I hold on tighter. "Where do you think you are going?"

"Well, I was going to go back to my seat."

"No, ma'am, I quite like you sitting here cuddled up to me. Baby, moments like these are exactly what I live for. These small intimate moments between us. Nothing sexual, just being together. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy making love to you, but this is perfect."

"Me too, baby. I just needed to be close to you, that's why I came over. I like the fact our life isn't just about making love, the fact we have other parts of our relationship that is more important."

He held her closer, and they sat just like for most of the flight. They did have to eat and had to sit separately for that. When they arrived, they unloaded off the plane, the driver loaded their luggage, and they were driven to their hotel.

They checked in, and Robert ordered room service. He had carved out the first couple of days to just relax and get used to the time difference.

They went to their room, put on pajamas and just sat on the couch. They spent the entire day cuddled up watching tv.  

That night they were both exhausted and fell asleep very quickly. Rory had her head laid on Robert's chest and his arm around her back. They slept peacefully through the night and some of the next day.

It was noon when they woke up, and they showered and ordered room service. They walked around a little. Saw a few performers on street corners and a mime that freaked Rory out.  

We went to a cute little restaurant that evening and enjoyed dinner. Rory was loving all the different food. We sat at a table outside, overlooking the river. It was relaxing. 

We spent the next ten days enjoying the city as lovers. We saw the Fontaine Saint-Michel, which was romantic. We went to the Moulin Rouge show, and Rory loved it. We did a few wine and champagne tours.    

We had dinner on a panoramic cruise on the River, we walked the canal, we walked over all the bridges, and we ate different foods at different restaurants. We had pretty much eaten at every restaurant within two miles of the hotel.     

It was so nice to see the city with her. I had been there several times, and so has she, but neither of us had ever been here with a lover, so this was nice for both of us to experience, and the experience was better than all my other trips. 

Lorelai and Alex will arrive tomorrow, so our time alone is over, and that's fine. I am excited to see Rory's face when she sees her mom.

Our room has a Christmas tree, so that made her excited, but then she realized we had left our presents in the states.

I had my brother pick the presents up from Lorelai's and ship them here they arrived two days ago, and they are hidden in Lorelai's room. Plus, I have done a little shopping here.

Then you came along (A Robert/Tristan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora