Chapter 16: The Gilmore girls together in Paris

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So, the next morning, Robert ordered room service. Rory was getting dressed. Lorelai and Alex were about five minutes away. I ordered plenty for everyone we had two food carts and four coffee pots full.

Rory stepped out of the bedroom and saw all the food. "Did room service mess up our order? That's a lot of food for the two of us. I know I eat a lot, but this is more than we can eat."

"No, it's exactly what I ordered." He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her as he laid her back. Just then, someone knocked on the door, and he raised her back up. "Can you answer that, baby?"   

Rory looked at him funny and slowly walked to the door to open it. Something was going on with Robert today. She opened the door, and there stood her mom and Alex.

Rory was surprised and shocked. Lorelai started jumping up and down, and so did Rory. "Mom, what are you doing here? Hey, Alex, nice to see you both."

"That handsome boyfriend of yours, left us two first-class tickets so I could come to spend Christmas with you. Now, loin fruit, are you going to leave us standing in the hall or let us into your room? Is Robert not decent? Did you two have a romp in the hay just before we arrived?"

"Mom, stop and no."

"Lorelai and Alex, welcome to Paris, please come in and no, Lorelai, I was dressed. I was dressed before Rory this morning. She was so confused about why I ordered so much food."

"Thank you, Robert. He's great right mom?" She leaned in and kissed him.

"Yes, he is kiddo, he is perfect. So, I heard there was food, great because I am starving." Robert set the food out and handed them a plate. Everyone grabbed their food, and Rory couldn't stop smiling at him. 

He was the perfect man, he knew she was sad to be away from her mom during the holidays, and he brought her mom to Paris. Which was supposed to be a romantic trip for the two of them, and yet he invited her mom and Alex.   

They ate all of the food and then sat down Lorelai and Alex sat on the couch while Rory sat down in Robert's lap.

"So, how long are you here for?"

"Ten days, babe. They will fly back with us after New Year's, the first part of our trip was our time the last part is so you and your mom can spend time together. We will go do fun stuff together, but I figured you and Lorelai can go shopping and Alex, and I will go to a pub or find something to do."

Rory snuggled in closer to his chest. He whispered in her ear, "is this not disrespectful to be doing in front of your mother?"

Rory laughed and raised up, "mom, is this disrespectful to you? Robert just asked me if my sitting in his lap is disrespectful to do in front of you."

"No, it's not but thank you, Robert, for thinking about my feelings. You live together, so it's not like I don't know you two sleep together, but I appreciate you trying to be respectful of me."

"I will always be respectful of you, Lorelai and always be thankful to you for bringing this beautiful girl into this world for me to love."

Lorelai just smiled at his affection toward her daughter. "Well, you are very welcome. Alright, you two go have fun, I think Alex and I are jetlagged, and we are going to nap for a bit." She gave Alex a look, and he smiled. 

"Yea, that was a really long plane ride, and I couldn't sleep because someone wanted to talk the entire flight." He ducked as she acted like she was going to smack him. He wrapped his arm around her waist as he kissed her on her temple.

"Let me help you with your bags to your room." Robert lifted Rory up and sat her back down. "Stay here, I will be right back." He kissed her and grabbed two of Lorelai's bags. While Alex carried his bag and the other one of Lorelai's. He followed them to their room and sat them inside the door as she oohed and awed as she saw everything. He smiled and shut the door. 

Then you came along (A Robert/Tristan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora