Chapter 50: Epilogue

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Five years later: in December 2020

Rory and Tristan are now celebrating their twelfth anniversary. All of their kids are in school now. Zeke is eleven, Alex is nine, Em is seven, and Lilly is five she just turned five in July.

Lilly was the summer baby that Tristan wanted. He finally got her, and she was our last. It's almost Christmas time.

All of the kids love Christmas they each have their own tree in their room, then we have eight other trees throughout the house, but then we have the official Dugray family tree that goes in our living room. 

We have presents already flowing out from the Christmas tree and so many more that will come from Santa. We love the fact that all of our kids believe in Santa we know that will come to an end with Zeke probably next year. 

There is nothing better than waking up to your kids jumping on the bed, and yelling Santa came, Santa came. The excitement in their eyes makes everything worthwhile.  

Tristan and I always ensure our kids have a great Christmas and Birthday. They have everything they need, but they aren't spoiled. Tristan and I agreed on that before they were born. 

They know we are rich, but they also know that when they want something, they have to do extra chores to earn enough for what they want. Each kid gets a weekly allowance for household chores. 

For instance, Zeke gets ten dollars for cleaning the pool each time, and he gets ten for doing the dishes each day. Alex gets ten for taking the garbage out and ten dollars for each bathroom he cleans once a week. Em gets ten dollars for vacuuming and twenty for sweeping and mopping. While Lilly being the youngest, gets five dollars for cleaning the playroom, five dollars for cleaning her room, and five dollars for bringing the dirty clothes to the laundry room.

The kids have a chart, and when they complete a task, they put a checkmark by it at the end of the week, Tristan and I count up to see how much we need to withdraw. He goes to the bank and then brings home envelopes with their names on them, and that is their allowance.

We started this when Zeke was five, and as he gets older, the jobs get harder, but he gets more money. So he has saved up enough to buy a PlayStation five that just released, and he and Tristan went and bought it. 

I want to teach our children that you must work for what you want. Sure, when they get old enough, they will become very rich, but still, I want them to learn values. Tristan and I set them up trust funds when they were first born our trust funds will be given to them when they graduate high school. 

We lost grandpa Richard four years ago in 2016, he died from a massive heart attack, and he and grandma had set up the kids a trust fund when they were each born. So they will be given access to those when they reach age twenty-one. 

Dad set them up a trust fund when they were born that will be given to them also on their twenty-first birthday as well. They will all be millionaires by their twenty-first birthday. Each account was set to receive the highest percentage they could. 

Tristan and I each put in one million, so each of our kids had two million to start out by the time they reach age eighteen, the interest they will earn another million. So, they will get three million from us, one million from grandpa, and two million from dad. Lilly will have more than the other kids just because she is the youngest and will earn more interest.  

We want to ensure they will have enough money to live on Tristan and I also have an account for their first car, their school funds, and their college tuition. I figured Robert would like the fact that the money he left me will be handed down to my kids. I still have plenty of the money he left me to live for the rest of my life, but I wanted to make sure my kids would be taken care of. 

Then you came along (A Robert/Tristan fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ