Chapter 41: New relationship

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Rory and Tristan had been dating for two weeks. Honestly, nothing had changed because they had been doing the same things after Robert's death the only new thing is holding hands and kissing. 

Rory was on her way to Hartford she was struggling with what she was going to say, this bothered her more than anything. She was going to have to break the news to his parents that the woman who was engaged to their deceased son was now in a relationship with his friend.

This was going to be so hard, and she was so scared of how they would react or what they would say. Robert has been dead for almost three months it's still soon. 

They were going to know that something was going on before Robert's accident, and then probably call her names which would break her heart because she really liked his parents and his siblings they were so good to her while they were together, while he was in the hospital, and after he died.

She pulled up at their house, which always seem to intimidate her even tho it felt so homey, and she was always so comfortable when she was there. She hadn't been here since the will was read. 

She took a deep breath and rang the bell. She was so nervous, and she was about to turn and run back to her car when Cynthia opened the door, she smiled at Rory.

"Rory, oh, it's so great to see you. I am so glad you dropped by, come on in, sweetie." 

She hugged her and responded, "hey Cynthia, it's so good to see you as well. How are you doing these days?"

"Still having a hard time, I miss him so much." She stopped at stared at his picture on the wall, she touched it and wiped her eyes.

"Me too," she looked at the picture and how his eyes were always so kind. She really did miss him, and she wiped a tear as it trickled down her cheek.  

"It's really good to see you here, again."

"I know I said I wouldn't be able to visit this house without pain, and I was right. So, many memories just flooded through my mind when I pulled up. I just wanted to talk to you for a moment."

"Okay, sweetheart, well, have a seat. Can I get you a drink?"

"No, thank you." She sat down on the couch, and Cynthia sat beside her, facing her. Rory took a deep breath and prayed for the courage to say this. 

Cynthia placed her hand on top of Rory's, "it's okay dear, say what you need to."

"Okay, well, I wanted to tell you first before anyone heard it from someone else. So, Tristan and I have recently, like two weeks ago, just started dating. I know it's so soon after Robert's death, and trust me when I say I still think of him every day."

"Oh, okay, well, we already knew that would happen eventually. I am happy for you, Rory. You are still young, and you have every right to find love and someone that makes you happy."

"You already knew it would happen? How? I mean, I'm sorry, I am just shocked. I thought you would be upset or call me names." 

"Oh, sweetie, we would never do that. Robert left us a letter as well and told us what he told you in yours. He said that Tristan had been in love with you since the tenth grade, and if something happened to him, he wanted you to move on with Tristan. He picked Tristan for you and knew he would make you happy."

"Really? Oh, I was so afraid of disappointing you and Frank, and, well, everybody. You treated me like family from the first night I met you, and that would kill me if I disappointed you or made you hate me." 

"Oh, Rory, never think that you are family, and you always will be. Does he make you happy? Does he treat you right? Does he make you smile?"

"Thank you, Cynthia I appreciate that more than you will ever know. Yes, he does, and yes, he treats me very well. He stayed right by my side during everything and even after. He finally went back to his house a month after Robert's funeral. Yes, he makes me smile, something I thought I would never do again after Robert died. Gosh, I miss him so much."

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