Chapter 33: Mount Sinai

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One week later:

Rory, Frank, and Cynthia had not left. Tristan, Finn, Colin, and Logan had not left since he arrived two days after the accident. 

They have spoken to the doctors every day they go in and talk about changes, good or bad. Rory had asked his parents to give him time for the swelling and bruises to get better before they made a decision.

He looked like Robert now, his bruises had faded enough that if or when they made the decision, they could cover them up for the funeral.

It had been a week, today, they would see if there was any brain activity and if not, they were going to remove the life support. Rory had told his parents the story of their discussion, and she didn't want to go against his wishes, she just wanted him to look closer to himself when they made the decision. 

Seth had come up every day after work, everyone had rallied around, Rory, and his family. Rory had slept in a recliner with their friends surrounding her. One night Finn had cuddled with her, one night Colin, and the next was Tristan. She had even cuddled with Seth when he spent a night there, Logan had understood her reasoning against cuddling with him. 

Right now, at this moment in time, he was just here to be with his friends and support Rory as his fiancee'. He had not been disrespectful toward her or any of the guys. He had bought dinner and pillows for everyone. 

He went on dinner runs, snack runs, coffee runs, lots of those, and he felt bad Rory was pale and was struggling with this tragedy. She and Tristan are pretty close, he has stayed by her side and has really been a great support system for her. 

He knew his cousin was in love with her, but right now, all he was doing was being a friend. He knew Tristan cared too much for her to even cross that line right now. He needed to do the same thing, maybe several months, a year down the road, he would try again, but not right now. Right now, she was dealing with a tragedy, and she needed her friends.

Today, all of his siblings are coming in for a discussion with the doctors. They have been running tests on Robert all day to check for brain activity.

Lorelai was driving up with Emily and Richard for the meeting and to be here to support Rory. Robert had stayed by her side when Richard had his heart attack, and he wanted to do the same for his granddaughter because they feared Robert was brain dead.

Rory had been pacing the halls since she woke up this morning, she had sat in there with Robert, she had talked to him, and every time she came out crying. She hasn't showered, but twice she hasn't left the waiting area.

She is so terrified that if she leaves, he will wake up or pass away, and she refuses to leave. She showers in the bathroom in Robert's room because she is afraid to be gone too long. Finn, Colin, and Tristan have bought her new clothes because she has run out of clean clothes that she had with her from her trip.

"Hey, Ror, why don't we go get some fresh air? Same place you ran to after we first arrived? We won't be gone more than ten minutes."

"I can't leave him, Tristan. If I do, something will happen."

"You're not leaving him, sweetie. He would be very upset to see you like this. I just think before the meeting today, you need some fresh air, you need to clear your head, and you need to try to remain calm. Rory, you are very pale, and you look exhausted. We know you aren't sleeping at night. Please, for me, just ten minutes?"

She looked into his eyes and could see he was really concerned about her, she wanted to please him because he had stayed right here with her as promised. He had not tried to kiss her or anything he had respected her feelings with what she was going through, and she didn't want to make him upset. 

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