Chapter 44: Engagement and Housewarming party

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Two weeks later:

Tonight we are having our engagement and housewarming party. Rory has been getting the decorations put up with Finn and Colin's help. 

It's really starting to come together and looking really nice. I took the day off from work so I could be here to help her. 

My parents were very cordial to Rory at dinner. She liked them, and they seemed to have liked her. They are attending tonight, I am hoping they are on their best behavior. 

I told Rory that after the wedding, she doesn't really have to deal with my parents. She told me she wanted to have a good relationship with them so that when we had children, they would know both their grandparents. 

I won't say anything to discourage her, but I told her not to get her hopes up. Yet, she had lunch with mom earlier this week, and they are going shopping next week.

Rory may be able to do something I have never been able to do, and that is, to get them to care. Dad liked her he asked me when we could come back for dinner or to bring her to the office. 

All I care about is Rory if she is happy, then I am happy. She seems to really like mom, and they are making plans together, which makes me happy because Rory is excited about it. She doesn't like when people don't like her, and so she wants my parents to like her.  

Believe it or not but Logan is flying in to attend the party, which surprised me, but I was told Aunt Shira and Uncle Mitchum were also going to be in attendance. Logan called me last week and told me he was happy for me.

He is dating a girl he met at work named Bobbie, and he is really into her, so I am happy for him. He said she has legs that go for miles, and she is really hot. I think he is bringing her with him, and I am hoping it doesn't bother Rory.

We made a gift registry, and Rory and I were having fun doing that. She even picked out a few crazy, off-the-wall things that were so expensive she knew no one would get them. One was a sterling silver silverware set in a briefcase thing for over five grand, another was a weird painting that was over seven grand, a set of dishes that had real gold on them for ten grand, and a three-piece table set, that was eight grand. 

Oh, and let's not forget the three thousand dollar coffee machine, she laughed as she scanned that one. Those were the joking items the rest were reasonable dish sets, canister sets, cookware, coffee cup set, bed sets, pillows, towels, and simple stuff like that.

Rory highlighted the things she really wanted, and if we didn't receive them, she is planning on buying them when she goes shopping with mom next week. 

We have fourteen weeks until our wedding, fourteen weeks until she becomes my wife and seventy days, and I can't wait for her to become Mrs. Dugray. My secretary Violet is giving me issues. Last week Rory called three times, and violet never gave me any messages or put her through.

I called her into my office and had her sit down. I told her that she needs to always transfer Rory straight through, and if I'm not here or in a meeting, I expect a message when I walk out of dads office.

I told her I would not tell her again the next time she would be fired for insubordination. I have spoken to dad about the issue as well, and he is aware that she is going to be fired if she doesn't do as she has been told.

I explained to her that we are planning our wedding and there could be an emergency that we need to discuss. Something could be wrong, and Rory could be in trouble, and I would be completely unaware because she isn't giving me the messages.  

So, far she has been good at transferring Rory since our talk. Rory always calls the office because I normally turn my phone off when I'm at work.

I walk into our bedroom, and there stands the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, and she is mine. I slowly walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, lay my chin on her shoulder, and kiss her cheek.

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