Chapter 26: Paris is out

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The Yale Daily newsroom has been hell for the last month, even worse than before. The staff decided to quit, Rory found out as she was going to meet me for a date. 

She called me, "babe, I have to cancel our date tonight. The staff has all quit, and Paris is holed up in her enclosed cubicle. If we don't do something for the first time ever, the paper won't come out. I'm so sorry, baby."

"It's okay, darling, you do what you need to. I love you, try and keep calm." I hung up and called in some reinforcements. Tristan met me there with coffee for everyone. I brought dinner for everyone. 

Rory walked into Paris' cubicle, and she was freaking out, trying to get stuff done. I explained to her that she had been voted out. No one was going to do anything until she left. She then decided to walk out and resign.

Together the staff and I were working to get everything completed. In walks Tristan and my sweet, handsome fiance' Robert. Robert had food, and Tristan had coffee.

"What can we do to help, babe." 

"Um, type these articles," she handed them to each of them. They walked over to an empty desk and started typing. She was doing the layout for each page and putting the articles that had been typed in where they would go. 

She answered a call and said, "no, you can't do that. We still have time, you can't just give our spot away." Robert saw she was stressed, he walked over. He took the phone when he motioned for her to hand it to him. 

He started speaking, "hello, yes, this is Robert Grimaldi of Grimaldi properties. Have you heard of Andrew McCrea?" He listened, "great, because if you give up our printing spot, I promise you will be receiving a call from his son Colin McCrea within ten minutes of said mistake. Since you wanted to call and stress out the woman putting the paper together and costing us valuable time, you will extend said deadline by twenty-five minutes." 

"I am going to take your name, and I will pass it along to a family friend named Mitchum Huntzberger that's right, that Mitchum, and he will contact you and thank you for helping us out. Okay, what is your name, oh, ok, Russell Smith? Perfect, I am actually sending Mitchum a message as we speak, great, thank you so much, and you as well, good night."

"Okay, babe, I got you a twenty-five-minute extension, so we have forty-five minutes to get everything finished."  

"Mare, I typed the articles in and sent them to you," Tristan said. 

"Great, thanks can you type these in as well?"

"Sure thing, Mare." He jumped up and grabbed them, and started typing. Robert typed up the ones he was given.     

They had five minutes, and everybody was gathered around Rory's desk as she was putting everything in the right spot. She emailed it in just in the nick of time. 

Everyone clapped and started congratulating everyone since they finished the paper on time. Paris was cleaning out her office and came out congratulating them for a job well done, and then she left when no one paid any attention to her.

Three days later:

They had been voting for the new editor for three days, and they all kept coming up short on majority votes. When Rory was standing there, bill threw her name out everyone started agreeing. Bill took a vote, and she was accepted as the new editor. 

So, Rory is now the new editor of the Yale Daily News, and she thanked everyone and went to work. She was very stressed for the first few weeks, and then afterward, things started getting better.

Paris had refused to speak to her when she went to discuss it she wouldn't even open the door. That upset Rory because she and Paris were friends, or she thought they were. She didn't cause Paris to get Howell-Rainesed Paris did that to herself, Rory had tried to help her. 

Then you came along (A Robert/Tristan fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن