"No..no...no... I need you. We don't need foreworks. We can make something else and we did they are right there" He said. Did he say 'they'?

"They?" I asked.

"The doctor called. You are having twins" Harry said without taking a smile away from his face.

I am having twims now? I don't even know how to handle one kid how in the freak will I know how to handle two?!?

"We all will help you. You know that right?" Niall said as he came in to the room.

"It will be a lot screaming in the night. You probally gonna get sick of me and throw me out.." I said honestly.

It's probally what will happend. They will be sick of me and then just leave me on the street with a baby in my hands.

"WHAT?!?" Harry and Niall screamed in the same time.

I looked at them weird for them to explain what they were screaming about.

"We will NEVER do that" Niall said being sure I got the word NEVER in my head and I did.

But can I trust him? What am I talking about. It's Niall. I can tell everything to him. He's like my angel or...something.

He helps me always though.

"Sure you can trust us!" Niall said.

'Reading my minds again?' I asked him through our minds while I gave him a weird look.

"Sorry..." He said looking at the grown.

"You should really stop with that Niall. Even I get confused when you do that" Harry said and laughed in the end.

Back to my babies. I have twins. TWINS! "Can we go and see a docter?" I asked. I wanted to know if they were girls or boys or girl and boy.

"Why? Whats wrong? Is it something wrong with the babies?" Harry said scared. I couldn't do anything but laugh so did Niall.

"No silly! She wants to know if it's girls or boys" Niall said still laughing.

I stopped laughing and said "...or a girl and a boy" I said.

Harry started smiling again and stood up to help me. "I can go by myself you know that right?" I asked.

"YeH sorry" Harry said as he let me go. His tough is nothing more for me.

I walked down stairs and saw all the eyes on me. Just me. Awkward... Wait! Did Harry tell them?

"We heard the good news! Congratz" Roxy saix while hugging me. "Congratz" Lorrie and Tiffany said as we were in a group hug.

How I love group hugs.

I gave Harry a 'look'. I was angry that he told the others. I wanted to tell them myself. I am the person who cares two babies here.

He gave me a 'sorry look' He give me a lot of those sorry looks.

If he was mad about that I gave him a boner and thats why he cheated on me, he is stupid. It was a prank day. It have 'prank' in the word...

I am the one who's gonna be angry at him right? I don't know.. What I do? Oh... I'm gonna go to the docter.

"Hey.. I'm gonna go to the docter so can you guys kinda.... Let me go?" I asked nicely.

They got right off me and they all said "sorry" at the same time. Crazyness.....

"Do you want us to come with you?" Lorrie asked me.

I wanted them all to come but I think it would be too much for me. It's a lot for me know.

"No thanks. I just don't really want...Harry to come" I whispered the last part.

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