The Surprise

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Roxys P.O.V

Clarissa pasted out. Just pasted out. I wanted to pass out too, but I was too scared! Too SCARED?

"Well...Hey to you" Louis said as he showed his fangs in a bright smile. Yeah, okey, he wanted me to be scared. Ok, he won, how about a trophy?

"Please don't, please don't!" I begged for him to not kill me or Clarissa.

"What are you thinking I'm goin...Wait, what is that smell?" Zayn said as he smelled at me.

"Get off!" I yelled at him.

"Relax! It's not you who smell good''s.." He stopped as he was about to take his fangs in Clarissas neck when Harry just showed up and pushed Zayn away from Clarissa.

"We promised Liam that we were only going to take one!" Harry yelled at Zayn as he held him down.

"I hate listening at Liams stupid ideas! I want more!" Zayn yelled at Harry still trying to get up.

"I am 400 years older than you, Zayn! You know what I can do to you!"

He is over 400 years? WOW! That's sick. Who is 400 years old, huh? Now I'm starting to get really, really scared.

Zayn looked to be calming down. Finally.

POOSSSH! Liam showed up. Wait, what?? How could he come so fast? How is that possible?

Oh shit... I passed out. My dream came true... Dreamy, dreamy wooorld. Oh, I see some unicorns, aaaah. So much relaxing.

Clarissas P.O.V

I woke up. I didn't remember anything. Oh dang. My head is killing me! It hurts so damn bad!


Vampires, Harry, Louis! One Direction is vampires?

Shit! I remember everything now!

GOD, my head is still killing me from thinking.

Where am I? I was in a room, but which room? It was dark. I was laying in a bed. It was actually a very nice room. I liked it. It had white walls and the bed was huge! It was pictures of One Direction and Harrys family and...Oh shit, I think I'm in Harrys room!

The door opened. I was laying in Harrys bed. Ew, I don't wanna think about how many girls he have had in this bed!

It was Harry who came in. Of course, it was his room.

"Hey, how are you?" Harry said coming one step closer for every word he said.

"How I am? Well, I'm in a room who belongs to a vampire and I'm scared as hell and I have a scar on my neck so I think you guys drank my blood. Oh and I am in a strangers house and I feel like a prisoner... So how are you? huh?" I snapped at him, trying to make a, believe it or not, a vampire feel guilty about himself.

I just can't say One Direction anymore or Harry Styles. Every time I think about him or them I just think about vampires.

"I know we did a bad thing and yeah we did drank your blood, but I felt bad and still do and I said that we couldn't kill you or your friend so you are here like..well, a prisoner"

Wait...What? My friend? Oh, Roxy. Oh My Direction....I mean Oh My Gosh! Roxy must be so scared. I need to talk to her.

"Where is Roxy? I need to talk to her now!" You might think that I'm not scared but I am, really scared, but I don't want to give them the pleasure by showing it.

"She is in the other room next to you. That is Louis' room, but you can't see her ri..." Before Harry could finish his sentence, I ignored it and interrupted him.

"Why? Why can't I see her right now? huh? So you guys can suck her blood? No! I want to see her now!" I yelled at Harry.

"Hey! Relax. That is not how you speak to a vampire if you don't want to be killed. You can't see her now because she hasn't woken up yet and we haven't drunk her blood because it smells like shit!"

"Hey! No one talk like that about my best friend! Even when you just talk about her blood. Gosh, that heard like I was a vampire" Harry laughed at me. Why? Oh no. I just said the last part out loud.

"That last part was meant to be a thought?" He laughed even more. I laughed a little too. Oh come on! It was funny.

Harrys P.O.V

It was something about her that I really liked. I don't know what, but it was something.

Her hair was so natural and so wavy and brown. Her eyes was sparkling every corner she looked at. She was just so. beaut... What am I talking about? Gosh, I need blood.

I walked out of the room still laughing at how funny she was. I liked that.

I walked into Louis' room were Roxy was.

It still smelled like shit in here!

She was awake. She was laying in Louis' bed shivering. It was not cold here so I think she is freaking out just a little.

"Hey" I said slowly. No answer.

"Hey" I said a little louder. No answer.

"HEY!" I yelled at her. I was a little mad right there, but I calmed myself down with exhaling three times in and out. She looked up crying..

"Whats up?" I asked her nicely. I hope she answers this time.

Roxys P.O.V

Someone came in. I didn't care to look. I just pretended to be asleep but I think that person or vampire knew I wasen't since I was so scared and shaking.

"hey" someone said slowly. Help...

"hey" He said louder. I think it's Harry. I remember his voice from yesterday when he saved Clarissa. Thank God for that or could I say devil since he is a vampire...from hell!

"HEY" Harry yelled at me. Got a little mad or what?

I looked up at him and said "H-hi" He took his head back and I think he took three deep breaths. Why? Maybe he got too mad.

Oh... He probably hate my smell. I am a wolf so of course he hate my smell. Yes, I am a wolf. Shocked?

I am a wolf. So I will not stay here a lot longer.

But I am a newborn. I was bitten by my dad. Yes, my dad. He wanted me to be a wolf so he bit me, but I didn't want to be a wolf so I escaped from my one and only family.

But I am good. I live in the woods. By living in the woods and being a wolf is like a...a...a... I don't know but I like it. And my mom didn't want to be a wolf either so we kinda escaped together.

I wish my dad wasn't my dad. I want to be a normal girl. Like Clarissa. She has a perfect life! She has a rich dad and she is so god damn nice! She works for her money and after that she gives all that she worked for to charity.

"How are you?"

Did Harry just ask me how I am? He is so dumb!

"I-I'm go-good." I said trying to look and hear scared. Well, I was not pretending. I was scared. Really scared! I don't know when I became wolf and when I don't. I'm a newborn. I only become a wolf when I see the full moon.

"So it's a full moon tonight and me and the boys are going to get some food for us and you guys. And don't worry we are just going to feed on animals now. You and Clarissa is going to be in the same room where it's no windows so you guys don't escape."

Oh my bloody goshy, gosh. Did he just say that it's a full moon tonight? And that I'm going to be in the same room as Clarissa?

This is not going to be good.....

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