Chapter 7: The flirty goat and the fantasy battle

Start from the beginning

Maleficent: You may have become leader, but twice those worlds that have been created from the disks you gave us have failed. First the boy got the power to rewind time with that Dagger, and now the girl has the Power of Flight. Their abilities are growing, and you are showing just how incompetent you are.

Chronos appeared suddenly in front of Maleficent as she willed herself to not flinch at anything that happened. Chronos stared at her with the one eye on his helmet as his soft breaths could be heard.

Chronos: Oh, you think my tactics are... "Incompetent" you say...?

Chronos kept looking at Maleficent as she wanted to step back from him, but held her ground.

Chronos: For your information. Studying your opponent and learning who you're dealing with is much part of trying to take care of them. Learning their weaknesses and learning how to make the strongest of them all falter in weakening them. Everyone has a weakness. Even that blasted fool known as Soejammy.

Maleficent: And if studying the opponent is so important, and Soejammy has a weakness, then what is his weakness?!

Chronos got in really close to stare into Maleficent's eye with his as he talks to her.

Chronos: With the one thing that he has always worried about since the start of their journey. Protecting that woman that he has seen get hurt or killed by the hands of anyone and losing himself to his own darkness. Attack her, and he can't focus on anything, but protecting her. Leaving him open to attack.

Soejammy's point of view.

World: Olympus Coliseum

Location: Outside Coliseum

After recovering from the "claw attack", I did try to get back control of the ship to drive. But the spoilsport duck wouldn't let me near the controls, the others had tied me down into a chair and got us all to the next world, the Olympus Coliseum. After a safe, but rather boring landing, everyone got out of the ship and started looking around. Which left me only one thing to do...

Soejammy: Oi!! Don't leave me tied here!! I swear if you leave me here, I will get out of these ties and mess around with the ship as much as I want!

Everyone was sweat dropping at the shout, but I could see Goofy and Sora having to hold Donald back from barging into the ship and giving me a piece of his mind. Beat quickly came back into the ship and helped untie me with a sheepish smile.

Beat: Whoops, sorry big bro. Didn't mean to forget to untie you.

Soejammy: Beat, because you helped untie me, when I get control of the ship again, you get to be my first mate.

Beat's eyes glistened at the offer I made as Donald broke free of Goofy and Sora's grasps and charged in to push Beat away from me.


Soejammy: You and what Heartless army, duck? From my viewpoint, you don't have an army of 1000 Heartless behind you to back you up on this. Also, word of warning, you might want to be weary of something like that in the future. Possibly more.

Before Donald could give a classic scream of annoyance, he instead quacked, surprised when Beat returned the push as he got out of the ship with an excited shout.

Beat: Enough talk! We have a new world to explore and Heartless to fight!

I chuckled to myself as I looped Beat around my finger in my offer.

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