Chapter 24

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Days, months and years passed with the kids growing into their pre- teen and teen years , as they grew older they went their desired careers with Karlos joining the qingxing as a investigator at 14 but quit when he was 17 to help the other adepti in watching over liyue with his twin aiding them as well , both of them being known as the 'performing twins' with them performing many stories and showcasing dances their father taught them as the other plays music as they entertain crowds like their mother did livening up the bustling streets of the port balancing it as they utilised the cover of the night to patrol incase of crime and bring wrongdoers to justice like their father.

Freheit became a bard like his mother and performed near the statue everyday next to him as he sang and dubbed poems to the crowd , when he wasn't doing that he'd be at home coming up with new poems and songs or helping out his siblings during their patrols acting as support during their battles with their youngest sister acting as their healer after the fight healing their injuries with Barbara taught them on what to do , with them armed with some medical knowledge and their skills in weaponry they were basically unstoppable together as a group but they were still powerful , being the children of the anemo archon and the last adepti had its perks after all.

Cecilia was a mama's girls as she helped venti with the chores around the house whenever she can , but when she's not dusting the shelves in the study or sweeping the leaves up outside she's exploring the world like her big sister klee as she explores the regions of tyvat in search of new materials she can use for her experiments or helping klee improve her formulas with whatever she obtained from her travels and the leftovers would be used for other projects that would later become a powerful booster for vision users allowing them to enhance their attacks and healing but they'er still trying to counter the side effects after the drug wore off , it leaves the user with intense muscle cramps and severe headaches and a mild fever but its was a huge improvement from the previous prototypes before that.

They looked up to the horizon as they continued to forge a path that would later allow the future generations to advance further , as they continued to discover and create things sharing it to the world allowing the younger ones at a chance to discover their passion and their future careers and allow them to push forward.

Tonight was a special night for their parents , it was their anniversary after all. They helped their father plan the whole thing and managed to distract their mother while their father went to set things up for the evening.

" hey mama ,  "

" Yes Cecilia ?"

" Can you help me with this poem , I can't think of anything to go with it."

" Of course sweetie , let me see what you've written down so far."

'okay," She grabs the the sheet from under her cup and passed it to him , he skimmed it cooking up all the possibilities in his head to help his youngest improve on her poetry. After a solid five minutes he managed to come up with a suitable follow up to help her complete her poem.

"Thanks mama."

" No problem sweetie , and if you need help for anything you can just ask me or your father anytime." he ruffled her hair and walked off to tune some of his instruments for a new song he wrote recently , he struggled to get the right notes as he twists the knobs an his guitar and strums them until he found the perfect note and began to compose the song editing some parts of  the sheet music until it reached satisfaction.

(Timeskip a few hours later)

The whole day he was distracted by his children asking him for help , with them asking for his help with xiao not being in sight at all. He started to question the whereabouts of his husband but each time he is stalled by questions and requests from his children , it really tire him out by the time dusk has arrived. 

Fate's melodyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ