Chapter 21

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The sun was put with the the fields of grass swaying in the wind breezing by , the day would've been peaceful if not for the arrow that whizzed through the air cutting it only for it to stab the ground , missing the target setup in front of it. The one who fired groaned in frustration seeing his arrow missing the target setup behind his house , today was one of the days the children wake up early to train with their parents to improve their handling of the weapons and anemo powers , at the moment all of them were trying to shoot their targets under the guidance of their mother who wielded the same weapon.

" Freheit , you need to lift your arm higher when aiming and pull your arm all the way back. And Cecilia , you need the adjust your stance to be wider." Those who were just called out did as told with their father observing the modifications they applied to their previous positions , them they proceed to attempt another shot with their arrows managing to hit the target although it didn't hit the bullseyes the improvement was made with the two having a small celebration over their improvement. It wasn't long ago that the oldest of the siblings began their training at the tender age of six with their parents guiding them through the basics and increasing their stamina.

Today , they decided to brush up their archery skills with the training area they set up behind the house. They younger siblings started their training with them not too long ago with them going through the same training routine as their older siblings , they'd whine about being tired when they first started but they say if your doing something involving physical strength and your body, no pain, no gain. Simple as that. With them looking over at their older sibling whom smiled back in response, with them firing theirs unused with anemo energy whizzing through the air hitting the target before completely destroying it by summoning multiple arrows made from pure anemo energy.

They've began with the warm ups earlier , basic stretching and so on with them currently an hour in with their training with all of them plopping down on the grass drenched with sweat and their stomachs clearly empty with the growls of hunger being sounded.

" Wow, everyone's been working hard!Now, who wants snacks you all must be starving."They turn the see their mother walking towards them with a tray of snacks in hand , with him placing it down on the nearby stone table gesturing them to come over. With them getting up from their positions and scampering over to grab their favourites , it was a war of snatching and grabbing after all first come first serve as they say.

" Look at them , aren't they like you xiao?" Venti giggled as they both watch their children from the side happily munching away on the tidbits.

" Whatever do you mean songbird?" Guilt cringed inside of him but he kept his poker face in an attempt to play dumb.

" Don't you remember when we were still dating back then? You were so protective of me that you wouldn't let me go anywhere without you and don't get me started on the incident with Childe." He poked at him with embarrassing memories resurfacing , he could list off the many different ways that he was clingy.

"No I did not." Silence was injected into the air for several seconds with xiao looking away and venti staring hole into him with a knowing look on his face.

" Okay , maybe I did but it wasnt my fault that they were staring at you." The yaksha may be perceived as cold and distant with him rarely showing emotions but when it came to his family there wasn't a day where he didn't display his emotions openly to them with him currently having his face tinted with blush.

" Oh, xiao you don't think I don't feel that way when someone stares at you? I felt rage and annoyance bubble up in me , so dont think that I don't get jealous just because I don't show it." Both of them brought their lips together and kissed with the kids watching.

Fate's melodyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora