Chapter 22

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When their parents aren't with them and off on a commission or their duties then they are with their other relatives or with those that they consider their relatives for the duration of the task. For example exhibit A, the traveler asked both their parents to help him out on a commission that was tasked to be finished in a duration of several days before the lantern rites in preparations of collecting materials for a new member of the team that was coming soon and they had to get materials to craft the lanterns. The ended up leaving them with Zhongli and his now husband Childe trusting that Childe will actually take care of them during their duration of the trip due to the fact that the took care of his younger siblings , thus was a natural when it came to children.

Before leaving they said their goodbyes with venti hugging the children and xiao glaring daggers at Childe before they left , with that in mind the children were relived but bummed at the same time. They could skip training for the next few days but their excitement went down the drain when they realised that their parents want be around to teach them something new that they've planned days before the exertion popped up leaving them drowning in a pool go boredom that was until Childe popped in.

" Heeeeey , kids! You guys wanna go out?" He sees their eyes twinkle in excitement as they shot up from their seats and rushed out ushering their grandpa along.

" Gong Gong , cmon we're going out with nainai." Cecilia called out to the ancient being as he walked over with a smile on his face joining them as they depart from the confines of their house and enter the bustling streets of liyue harbour. The kids wandered through the sea of people while staying with their guardians trying not to get separated amongst the waves of the crowd with them skimming the street of the various stalls and shops to see if anything caught their eyes.

They ended up buying a lot of things mainly zhongli with Childe paying like usual as with his somehow humongous salary that seemed endless made the kids questioned what he worked as but decided to put that question aside as their parents said they they'll know when they're older. They bought some clothes , a whole series of novels , a few fans , some gear they had to replace it at some point, toys and some sweets to consume later.

In the end , their parents came home to see that everything had been prepped for the lantern rites with the house being decorated in red with the candy box being filled with an assortment of sweets an with the traditional center of the box being filled with roasted lotus seeds. With new clothes bought and the paper cut outs of a pattern resembling rabbits hung on the doors with the table being decorated with a red and gold lace tablecloth with many of the traditional snacks laid across the table displaying a spread of treats with fresh oranges being stacked into a small tower placed next to the treats. With that out of the way they were fully prepared for the eve of lantern rites and the the actual day itself and the house was filled with warm welcomes when they reunited from the trip and spent minimal time finishing prepping the more important things like the yusheng and hongbao.

( What in mentioned here is based off Chinese new years and this year is the year of the rabbit for us hence the mention of rabbit pattern and the rest is based of what traditions my family does at home during this time of the year. Also nainai is Chinese for grandma for those who don't know)

The second time is when they visited mondstadt with the kids visiting the city's beloved cavalry captain letting him guid them to starsnatched cliff while bumping into a certain redhead bartender along the way who needed accompanying them. It wasnt a secret that the two reconciled awhile back and had tied the knot a few years ago , with rumours of planning to have children to continue the bloodline or something along those lines but that wasn't the point of this little tale.

They arrived at the cliff with a field of Cecilias spreading every inch of the place with the children immediately scouting the place for materials and chests with a lot of concentration of farming for them and mercilessly challenging every boss they could find there with the help of the two adults they managed to obtain their much needed materials , with their stomachs growling in hunger they decided that its time for lunch with them laying a picnic blanket on the grassy plains near the Cecilia fields taking out many dishes their parents packed beforehand munching down on their lunch while looking at the view of the sea of Cecilias with the whole experience being peaceful except the treasure hoarders interrupting at the near end but it all went well with them clearing up the site and continuing their search for materials in the area.

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