Chapter 23

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Today was a fine day for venturing into the world with clear sky and the cool winds blowing wildly, with the adventurers packing up to go on commissions or to whatever fate had in store for them or for the uncharted lands they might stumble upon , but a certain girl in red had other plans with her taking on a task with her team waiting for her by the fountain as she finish up on the last few details of the task with her taking the small piece of paper from Katherine's hand and heads over to the fountain as she see the kids chatting amongst themselves about some debate about how much damage they would do this time or the best snack that venti and xiao makes . Klee shook her head as she saw the younger version of her and her friends , the good time when they were younger were the best but now she has to take on many responsibilities with majority of it being field work being her speciality but the paperwork part was not fun. She sighed as she walks over to the kids , excited to travel down the road again and take them on a another missions hoping it won't be like last time , the last trip was disaster only ending with mountains of paperwork and hours that she could've used experimenting with new formulas wasted and her internal sorrow and curses in her head still waiting to be unleashed upon reflecting on the memory. The kids lined up upon awaiting for instructions from their senior as she briefed them on the commission and the boss they were about to face off explaining her strategy to counter it making sure they had packed their 'secret weapon' .

They check on their supplies and made their way to the back gates of monstadt and hitting the road , with the roads being covered in multiple sets of shoeprints as the gang hit the abyss for materials that they needed and headed on over to sumeru to collect more materials.

The hot dessert sun hit their skin as they tread through the sandy plains in search of boss they intended to challenge for more materials , as they found shelter nearby to take shelter from the heat as they pulled out their water bottles and drank from them cooling them down and lower the chances of getting heat stroke . The heat was unbearable as they looked out into the distance to look for the boss they were suppose to fight tracking any movement in the sand in case it decides to ambush them , with her spotting fast movement amongst the sand moving towards them , she smirked as she glances over at the kids nodding her head slightly giving them a signal with the kids.

The entity shot out of the ground with its serpentine body and green accents making it stand out from the dusty sands that surrounds the environment , its size was humongous probably taller than the KoF headquarters. They are facing off the setekh wenut as it starts to attack them , as it thrash about trying to crush the group, klee start to attack while yelling out instructions to the kids as they start to pull out their flutes and start to play a melody , the sweet song floated into the auditory senses of the serpent as it starts to sway from side to side getting drunk on the sweet tunes that filled its auditory senses. ( To be fair idk how they got ears so just stick with it , we good ? ok ) Klee attacks its weak spots with the wenut being distracted , sparks and flames soon cover the sandy battlefield as she launches her elemental burst , finishing off the snake as it massive body hits the ground and dissipate into dust only leaving behind the intended materials needed to finish their commission.

They start to head back to the nearest teleport waypoint and get back to liyue , as they entered their house expecting their parents to greet them , they were met with an uncomfortable amount of silence with the house being empty and a not that was stuck on the cupboard that read the following.

' Kids , if we're not at home we're at your auntie hutao's place settling something. In the meantime , theres some snacks in the cupboard and some milk that you can have if you're hungry. We'll be back near sundown

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