Chapter 3

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(Still Xiao POV)

I turn around to see Zhongli and Venti yelling at each other. "OOoooow!Stupid blockhead, what the hell was that for?" "This is because you were daydreaming!Do you even pay attention to your surroundings you drunkard?!" "Why you!At least I work for mora and don't get others to pay for me!" "DRUNKARD!" "BRUTE BUFOON!" (This carried on for the next 10-15 minutes, then it turned into a bit of a fist fight )

 "OOoooow!Stupid blockhead, what the hell was that for?" "This is because you were daydreaming!Do you even pay attention to your surroundings you drunkard?!" "Why you!At least I work for mora and don't get others to pay for me!" "DRUNKARD!" "BRUTE...

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(Credits to @miraii_akira on twitter!Give them a follow, their art works are amazing!)

(pretend that they aren't wearing their archon outfits. they fought like this for another 5minutes)We watched them bicker and yell at each other until the finally stopped.I looked at both of them in disbelief.To think that Rex Lapis would act like this with Barbatos. "Wow!Venti really has a lot of energy to go on like that against Zhongli for this long."I turn to see HuTao smirking. "Well they are old friends, so I figured that they might be a little friendlier to each other but I didn't expect them to act like this."I replied while looking at Venti. 'I wonder if he still remembers me? If he did, then its a honor being remembered by Barbatos himself.' I thought to myself as we all started to head towards liyue harbour.

(At liyue harbour)

(Venti POV)

Wow!its been a long time since I've been at liyue harbour!The colourful kites in the air being flown by the children,and people working peacefully and the vendors along the streets selling a verity or things ranging from delicious food to colourful cloth and toys.I missed the soft breeze and salty air of this place.I look over to Xiao,i think that was his name.I took a deep breath and walk over to him."Hey Xiao,was it?I'm Venti.I came from monstad." he looked at me with hesitation before he spoke. And let me tell you, his voice was gentle and rough but had a bit of caution and his eyes were so beautiful that I didn't realise that I was starring for too long. When can back to reality, I swear to celestia that I wanted to throw myself off starsnatch cliff in embarrassment. "Um, sorry.I got distracted.Can you repeat what you said."I asked him, while maintaining eye contact this time. "I'm Adaptus Xiao,nice to meet you.How did you know Rex-I,mean Zhongli?" He asked me. "Oh,Its a funny story."Then I, started to tell him on how I met Zhongli and the thing we would do when I come over to visit and situation that I usually got myself into during our visits or when we happen to bump into each other.

(Xiao POV)

I was listening to Venti talking, well I wasn't paying attention to what he was talking about.But his smile was so cute and his voice was so enjoyable to listen to.His eyes sparkled like two emeralds and aquamarine that were combined into a priceless jewel that anyone is will to steal for any price they had to pay,even if they're punished by death and he smelled like fresh ceclias that just bloomed in the spring time.His hair looks like the softest silk thread that were about to be woven into the finest cloth for a archon.Before I knew it,I realised that I was staring at venti.I wanted dig myself a hole and hide in it." I hope I wasn't caught staring at him if not,'m going to make a very valid excuse to go and reflect on my actions today." We walked around the harbours for a few hours and the day flew by us in a blink of an eye, before I knew it was already night time.Zhongli and HuTao already went home. It was just me and venti the two of us ,alone.

(No one POV)

Xiao and Venti stood there ,an awkward atmosphere filled the air as the two of them kept quiet.Venti was the first to break the ice after god knows how long they've been standing there for, "Um, Xiao?Do you wanna go somewhere?Like go somewhere that we can get to know each other better?If you want to."Venti asked Xiao,he wondered if it was a good idea to try to break the awkward tension between them to if he should go to the wangshu inn to rest for the night. "Sure,why not?there's no harm in trying to get to know others better." Xiao replied in a cold but reassuring manner.

Xiao led both of them to an area where they got a full view of liyue harbour. "Wow! The view is great from up here, how did you know about this place?" Venti asked as he looked at the scenery that was right in front of him. "I come here in my free time at night, I always enjoy the view from up here because no one will bother me." Xiao replied looking at the Venti's expression as he enjoyed the view of the harbor. "So, what's your favourite food?" He heard venti ask. They continued the conversation for hours and hour until the ungodly hours of the night. Then both of them went their separate ways and agreed to meet up tomorrow to continue talking.                       
(Hi everyone. Sorry if this chapter is too short but school has just started recently so I might post not as much but I will try to post as much as I can , see you in the next chapter)

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