Chapter 6

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(Time skip to a few months later)

(Third person POV)

      It has been a few months since both Xiao and Venti got together.Both of them were having the time of their lives as whenever one visits the other wether it be in liyue or monstadt, both of them are happy together no matter how far the distance maybe for both of them, they both often meet at their spot and they either spend some time together there , talking to each other and relax while enjoying each other's company or go on dates to the various places in liyue or monstad. Sometime they would meet up during night time to enjoy the silence of the darkness that nature had cast upon the sky while cuddling and stargazing.

  They would also watch the sunset together on the peaks of the mountains in liyue during the early hours of the morning. They would always secretly meet up just to share these moments with each other

(Zhongli POV)

   Xiao has been acting strange lately, I would catch him sneaking off at night after he finish his duties and sometimes return in the ungodly hours of the morning, I wonder what's he doing during those times.

 I was walking around the shops with HuTao when I spotted the traveler hiding behind a pillar and starring at something while paimon was doing the same action but she was in a shrub. Both of them were attempting to be stealthy.

 Me and HuTao went over to question them what on earth their doing. They briefly explained that they'er gonna follow Xiao because the way he acted was not like his usual self as he tends to disappear during certain days and is sometimes late when they spoke his name and mainly because they were bored and had nothing to do and paimon didn't want to be cooked into emergency food by Aether and Xiangling .

  "Aether! He's on the move hurry!" We heard paimon franticly telling us to hurry, as we turned around we saw Xiao running at a fast pace and we gave chase not too far behind him but enough so that he won't notice us.

 We manage to follow him to..... MONSTADT?! What business does he have in monstad? As my parental instincts start to go haywire, he was on the move again. We manage to tail him to the statue of the seven , we watched at he met with ...VENTI?! What's he doing here? We watched as Xiao wrapped his arm around his waist and kissed him. WAIT! Did he just-  

No ,he didn't just do that, he didn't. Right? Did he?

(Third person POV)

  Everyone reactions were pure chaos. Zhongli's jaw dropped as he tried to process what the hell just happen and tried not to question his all parenting choices, on the other hand HuTao was considering of using this as blackmail material and shipping it mixed with the "Finally!Its about time they got together" look. 

       Aether just using a camera to take pictures of the moment to show to others later combined with the  "I knew they would get together one day" look while paimon is just in pure shock because of the current situation. This cause a huge amount of silent chaos as the group watched  the two lovers start to depart to their destination. 

   The group tailed them once again, they followed them through out the entire day. From seeing them doing some shopping in monstad to late at night near the big tree at the statue of the seven before almost losing them at starsnatched cliff.

(Venti POV)

 I can't help but feel that I'm being watched today. I wrapped my arms around Xiao's and leaned into his ear  " Xiao, I feel like we're being watched by not someone but a group." I whispered soft enough so that only he can hear me.

  " I feel it too Venti, let's try to shake them off, shall we?" He said with slight smirk.  We tried by going to various places that would get people lost easily like the forest by Springvale or the mountains of starsnatch cliff. We finally manage to lose them at star snatched cliff. Both of us sat down to take a breath of fresh air. We could finally have some alone time together now. Both of us settled down near the edge of the cliff, Xiao then wrapped his arm around me , pulling me closer towards him. We cuddled with each other for some time before Xiao pulled me in for a kiss.

  "I love you venti." He told me as he pulled me onto his lap, holding me close to his chest. I put one hand on his chest and nuzzled him. The sun began to set, preparing for the moon to make its appearance in the sky with the thousands of stars that followed it , everything grew quiet and the stars started to light up the sky like a millions of lights lighting up the dark  cloak that spread across the sky. The two sat there enjoying the view with each others presence. 

(Xiao POV)

     I stared at the night sky while holding Venti close to my chest. The atmosphere was rather calm and quiet, the warmth I felt from Venti was rather comforting after the events I had to go through the entire week. I had to prevent HuTao from burying Qiqi again , I had to terminate a lot of demons too and in addition to the strenuous week, the pain from my karmic debt started to get more painful and it still did until now.

    I look down at Venti, he look very peaceful as we shared the warmth of the embrace. " Hey Venti,"  "What is it Xiao?" he asked, with a tender yet soothing tone. I hesitated for a bit before asking  

       "You don't mind playing the dihua flute now don't you? The pain from my karmic debt has grown more painful recently and -"   He then cuts me off by putting his finger to my lip as he told me "Xiao, I don't mind playing a song for you even if your karmic debt causes you pain or not, I'm willing to play anytime you ask me to and you know how I feel about your karmic debt causing you pain. So next time please don't hesitate to ask me to play the dihua flute. You know how much it worries me if your not telling me something that your suppose to." 

     As he finished his sentence , he looked at me while giving me the "Promise?" look. I took a deep breath and sighed " Yes Venti, I promise" As he took out the dihua flute , he leaned close to face while pointing at his cheek. I gave him a small kiss on his cheek before he started to play the flute. The song he played was the same song he played when we first met each other. The song was gentle and soothing .After playing the song for some time , the pain from my karmic debt soon disappeared . 

  I look down to see Venti starring back at me with a silly smile , I couldn't help but chuckle . We started to talk about the week we had and our plans to go to the beach at liyue for a few days ( yes , they made plans , but I didn't think about it in the previous chapters) and what the future has in stores for us. 

    As I looked up at the sky to see the stars , I felt something on my chest. I look down to see a sleepy Venti who was close to falling asleep. I smiled as I picked him up ,carrying him bridal style and to head over to the teleportation point to get to liyue to reach the wangshu inn to stay for the night. 

    As I start to head down starsnatch cliff, I detected movement from the bushes nearby. I summoned polearm and pulled Venti closer to me , preparing to fight whatever come out of those bushes and protecting Venti at the same time . ( Now this is what I call good future husband material OwO) As the rustling came closer , so was my intent to kill this creature. 

( Third person POV) 

 As Xiao was ready to attack whatever was going to come out of the bushes when the creature suddenly spring out at him causing a pile of leaves to cover his face. Once he removed the leaves from his face, he turn to see a grinning  Aether, a very dizzy paimon , a smiling HuTao and a very angry Zhongli . I knew that I'm in a lot of trouble now.

( That's all for this chapter celestials! This may be the longest chapter I've written. seeya!)

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