AU Facts!

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1. Nightmare does bask in negativity and such, but he loathes it when it's from Error or his crew. With that in mind, he does still get stronger from the negativity, he just doesn't like the feeling.

2. Both of their kids are mommy boys, mostly doting on and/or spending time with Error over Nightmare. Radier and Error did have a falling out, but they still love each other deeply.

3. On that note, Radier and Error fought because of the passion Radier had for being a destroyer like his mother. Error forbids it, knowing what being a destroyer can do to you and your mentality. Naturally, Radier stormed out for a few days and the two didn't talk for awhile.

4. Nightmare's smaller back tentacles are his weak spot. Not for attacking, just in general. Error could graze one and Nightmare would fall into his arms like putty, agreeing to any and everything Error says. Of course, Error used this to his advantage very often.

5. Geno and Fresh loathed Nightmare long before Error and him got together, as Nightmare had ripped off Fresh' limbs once and had given Geno countless nightmares. That being said, Reaper wasn't fond of him either. However, they did not protest when the two got together. They tolerated Nightmare due to seeing Error so happy, but they still dislike him.

6. Geno, Fresh, and Dream aren't the only uncles. The entire crew is considered uncles for Radier and Royal. Radier and Royal still address them as such, even though they are perfectly aware that the skeletons are in no way related to their own parents. The two siblings are quite fond of the crew.

7. Speaking of that, Royal's favorite is Dust and Killer, while Radier's favorite is Horror and Cross. Royal prefers the more violent, chill members of the crew. And of course Radier prefers the more fun, energetic ones of the crew.

8. Despite being a lot better, Error's haphephobia still gets the best of him at times. Sometimes it's so bad that even Nightmare and his kids can't touch him, or else he'd freak out and likely crash for a solid few hours. Nevertheless, it's much better than it used to be when he was isolated in the void.

9. Nightmare and Radier both have autuphobia. After the entire apple incident in his own AU, Nightmare has always tried to not get attached. He's too afraid to get attached, fearing that if he ever did, they would abandon him on a whim. Radier developed this fear after the fight with his mother, fearing that Error hated him and was going to leave him and the entire family because of him.

10. On that note, Royal has insomnia and atychiphobia. His insomnia didn't manifest because of any specific trauma and such, it just happened. He had always had trouble falling asleep, even as a kid. This makes him a bit distracted and slower in fights, due to lack of sleep. However, he is typically way more focused as a positive result. However, his atychiphobia is quite strong. He can't stand the thought of losing and being a failure, he loathes it. He fights with his father often, losing every single time. He tortures himself, constantly eager to win and then failing. Truthfully, he just wants to win to see his father be proud of his strength. But Royal believes that his father thinks he's weak and a failure, making his phobia stronger day by day.

11. Nobody besides Error in the family can cook for shit, they all suck at it. Royal doesn't make an effort and sometimes falls asleep when cooking, explanatory, and Nightmare has attempted cooking many times yet he still continues to fail and potentially burn down the mansion. They are all very lucky to have Error, considering he is the only one that can actually cook something decent without burning something.

12. Nightmare and Dream have gotten better, to say the least. Dream had disbanded from the star sanses, along with Blue, both of them working solo in protecting and saving others. Dream visits his nephews very often, despite Nightmare's irritation. But yes, they have bonded more and overall still act like brothers. Radier only likes Dream because his father and mother do, Royal doesn't hate the guy but he doesn't enjoy his positivity and optimism.

13. Radier is a big people pleaser. His parents are the best example. Radier always wanted to follow in his parents footsteps and make them proud, always following after them and following their every order. Royal teases him for it, a LOT.

14. Nightmare and Error don't get much time alone anymore since the kids, making the two a bit sexually frustrated. Luckily, their kids can notice it before it gets too out of hand. They usually leave for about 2 days before returning, where their parents are much more refreshed. Should the two every get too sexually frustrated, they would end up blowing up on each other and doing something they both regret.

15. Error is an angry mother, much more strict and protective then even before he was pregnant. He loves his pups, but they do stupid shit sometimes and they need to be kept in line. Error knows exactly how to scare them too, which is pretty amusing to him to be honest. What? He's not a sadist. For the most part.

16. Nightmare and Error fight more often. It's nothing major or huge, they forgive each other soon enough and are back to their old self's in a solid few hours. These fights are petty, small arguments that never escalate further. Most of the time. Maybe one day, it'll boil to a point where it's an issue, who knows?

17. Error and Ink still fight, naturally. Ink has still not learned his lesson about overcreatiom. Thus, Error always has to be the one to clean up his messes, and then they end up brawling about it. Like the good ol' days.

18. Ink still harbors feelings for Error. He still wants and desires Error. He does truly love Error deep down, but it's not like he can do anything about it now. In short, unrequited love.

19. Dream is a rebound. Ink decided to mate and bond with Dream to attempt to rid the feelings he had for Error, with it of course failing. And since Dream noticed that Ink doesn't love him at all, he disbanded from the Star Sanses. They don't really talk anymore, but Ink has practically ruined Dream's life now. Dream is forced to live alone, with a bond mark from somebody who doesn't even love him. And he can't ever get with anybody else now.

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