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This might've been the one thing Error had willingly got out of bed for, shopping for their twins. Nightmare needed to get started on their room as soon as they got back, but he would need some things from the mall first. He had asked Geno to come along with them, as Geno had two children as the moment. Goth and Raven. Naturally, he figured it would be smart to bring along someone that had experience with pregnancy and had shopped at the same mall for it. It went quite well overall, despite the fact that Nightmare just barely dragged Geno and Error out of the store before closing time anyway.

Nightmare's credit card had to have been maxed out. He was 100% sure that a lot of the items in their cart weren't essentials or needed at all, but oh well. What is he to do, tell his pregnant omega that he can't get it? First of all, that would break poor Nightmare's non-existent heart. And second off, that would simply cost him his head. Was Nightmare ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his credit card? No, no he was not. Not until he saw the birth of his pups, anyway. He left the two brothers to the clothing, decor, and toys, as they were fawning over it anyway...

He, however, moved to go find essentials for the twins room. Two cradles, paint, something to baby proof any sharp edges or dangerous places, tools. Everything to build and perfect the room. He also figured Error and Geno were too caught up to realize that they were missing classic baby essentials...
Pacifiers, Bottles, Diapers, and Baby Powder. Every time that he walked to the counter with the items, he would be congratulated and given a cheeky smile by the staff behind the desk. For the first time, social interaction didn't annoy him. If it were about anything else, Nightmare probably would've grunted and glared at them with a cold expression. But it wasn't just 'anything else'. It was his children. So, he would let it slide this time and give a barely noticeable grin while thanking them.

When he returned to the duo, he had to snap the two out of their conversation. They weren't very happy, but Error was grateful. Why, you ask? Possibly because Error was indeed, too caught up to remember to get baby essentials. He refused to admit it though, as usual. He practically had to drag them out of the mall, as he had mentioned earlier. He succeeded without dying though, so that had to count for something right? Once they got home, it was chaos. Nightmare wanted that room built immediately. And he got what he wanted, in the span of 2 days.

Error loved it, but he didn't like how bland ig was. Of course, he had to touch it up and decorate. Nightmare expected nothing less. Of course, once that was over....
Came the important part. Names. They needed names. Error and Nightmare both agreed that they wanted to start early. They ended up making an entire list, any potential name being wrote down immediately. By the time they were finished, they regretted it ever so slightly. Only because they now had so many names to check off or mark off.

They came down to two names, Radier and Royal. Error ended up breaking down in tears, as expected. Nightmare could understand though, this was a very important moment in both of their lives. Even Nightmare has to admit he got a bit emotional, not going as far as to tear up or anything though. He's too stubborn for that.
His 8th month. This month was supposed to be the month Error went into labor. That meant he was stuck on bed rest until that day came, much to Error's annoyance. Nightmare promised him that it would be over soon, he only had to wait a little longer. Error pouted, but relented. He was as big as a hot air balloon at this point, so walking was not an option. Whenever he tried, it was more like very awkward waddling. He accepted that moving around too much and possibly injuring himself was unhealthy for the twins. So he allowed himself to be pampered for days on end, Nightmare by his side 90% of the time. To be fair, Error couldn't go an hour without Nightmare by his side. He'd throw a tantrum and nobody wanted to deal with a pissed off mother on the edge of labor.

One night, it finally happened. Error roused from his slumber, grumbling. It was typical now for him to get less sleep than usual. The twins kicked a lot (little monsters...) and he was overall uncomfortable 24/7. With that, he figured nothing was out of the ordinary. Except when a sharp pain hit him in the abdomen, he grunted in shock and pain. A few minutes later, still in his state of shock, another one came. His breathing was becoming heavier, his body was hotter. A pit of anxiety was beginning to form in his stomach, something wasn't right. He knew what was happening when he felt around under him, it was wet. He whimpered in distress, fearful pheromones wafting through the air. With that, Nightmare stirred awake. Nightmare's eye snapped open and he looked around in concern until his eye landed on Error. Before Nightmare could actually ask what was going on, Error gasped and said it for him. "T-The twins! I think...my water broke?" Nightmare nodded, strangely calm on the outside. Except on the inside he was going wild. Every instinct was just screaming at him to protect Error in whatever way he could. He knew he had to remain calm to somewhat soothe Error. With that, he called to his boys and picked Error up bridal style. He quickly assessed how far apart the contractions were to make sure that Sci knew whenever they arrived, which would be soon, very soon.

It was a race against time by now. In reality, it only took a moment for them to arrive at Sci's with the portal but to Nightmare it was an excruciatingly long time. However, they did make it. Error was panting, gripping Nightmare's hand tight at the side of the bed. Sci knew it wouldn't be long, giving Error small words of encouragement. "You can do this, Error. It'll be over before you know it, darling." Nightmare kissed Error's hand lightly, who smiled softly at him. Sci came back into the room with all the essentials needed. Epidural came first, as Error had requested it. Then, he would use the sterile scissors to cut the cord. And the blankets were simply for wiping off and keeping the twins warm while Error rested. Sci positioned himself in front of Error's entrance and nodded, "Alright. They are definitely coming, you should be about to experience another contraction momentarily. After that, I need you to start pushing as hard as you can okay?" Error nodded, laying his head back and closing his eyes. This is where the hard part would be. Error knew he would need to use all of his strength for this.

(Timeskip in the next chapter bc I am not writing out birth💀)

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