Side Story 1

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For context, completely different AU from the regular storyline going on right now. This is shattered cream. Shattered and Dream are separate beings in the same body, Shattered can only take over when enough negativity surrounds Dream or Dream is extremely weak/disoriented.
Cross whimpered in distress, he couldn't help it! Dream was...was in front of him. But it wasn't Dream. It was something different, something evil. Something that completely contrasted itself and Dream. It didn't smell like Dream's usually peachy, creamy scent. It was something much more...dangerous. Ginger and sandalwood, with the slightest husk of pumpkin from what he could smell. Dangerous yet, so seductive. Dream was an alpha, somehow. To be fair, he was born with natural leadership skills and battle skills. He felt safe and protective. Cross, on the other hand, was an omega. Before everything that happened, he was just...sweet. Soft, caring, desperate to save his friends and family. Desperate for a family. Willing to do anything for his family. Perhaps, the prospect of family was what dictated his status in society. When they decided to work together to fight Nightmare and Killer, they kept in touch. Keeping in touch led to friendship, which led to every day hang out sessions, which led to a relationship. It had been so recent that they hadn't bonded yet, since bonding was such a sacred and special type of commitment. They had agreed that once Cross goes into his heat would be the best time. It would show how committed to this relationship they both were, how much trust they put in one another.

But that wasn't the problem right now! The problem was that his current mate was covered head to toe in the same substance that Nightmare, his brother, was covered in. Except, Dream's tar like substance had a gold shine to it unlike Nightmare's teal color. Dream had a smirk plastered across his face as he inspected Cross, eyes raking across his body. Cross blushed, folding his arms together in an attempt to shield his body from view. Dream only chuckled and stepped towards him, making Cross take a step back. Of course, this continued until Cross was cornered. Cross trembled, placing his hands on Dream's chest to create a bit of distance between them. Cross knew he had to be brave. "Shattered..." He greeted with hostility and suspicion laced in his tone, Shattered only grinned larger. "Mon Cher." The alpha purred, keeping eye contact with the omega. Cross hated the way his soul began to beat faster at the deep voice, the nickname. No words were exchanged after, as Cross was at a loss for words and Shattered didn't seem to be in the mood for conversation, fortunately. UNfortunately, the alpha had begun to lean into his nape, taking long inhales and shivering. "I must say, despite my...distaste for the idiot that I'm trapped inside of, he does have good taste in omegas. You smell divine, cara mia." Shattered hummed, nuzzling into his nape as Cross whimpered at how close they were. Cross could smell his scent so much better now, it was hitting him smack in the face and it was...taking it's toll on him to say the least. But what really made him so disoriented was how close the alpha was to his precious mating gland. The alpha could sink his teeth in so quick...and Cross wouldn't be able to do a single thing about it. He was in such a vulnerable position.

Would it be terrible to say that in a way, it aroused him? He loved Dream, he did. He wanted to bond with Dream, but this side of Dream was so much more primal. So much more...animalistic. So much more forward. It wouldn't be fair to let Shattered bond him of course, even if the two did share the same body. However, Cross could already tell that the alpha would play a big role in their relationship. He would have to talk to Dream about it because there was no way Shattered was going to stop flirting with Cross, to stop pursuing Cross. He figured it was inevitable and they couldn't do much about it except let the alpha do as he pleased. He knew the alpha kept a close eye on him, watching him and stalking his every move even when he wasn't taking over Dream's body. He just wasn't sure why. "Darling little thing, aren't you?" And yet, the alpha just kept making his soul beat faster and faster to the point Cross was sure it wasn't good for him. He was spiraling into the abyss. He had a sudden craving, a yearning. But he didn't know how to describe it. It felt scolding, that it would scar him for the rest of his life. But it felt like a good burn. The type of burn that sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. It was addicting, was it Shattered's doing? Was Shattered aware of how crazy he was making Cross? He knew the skeleton had to have known that Cross has developed feelings by now, or at least has felt lust around him. But did he know of the urges Cross was having?

How trivial, these feelings were. Love was puzzling indeed.

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