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After all this, Error practically moved in to the mansion. More like forced, Nightmare going on and on about how staying too far away from your bonded mate can have "disastrous"consequences....
Disastrous consequences his ass! He didn't even like Nightmare's gang, not that they liked him much either. Especially Cross, and strangely enough Horror. Dust didn't seem to care for him, Error having a Mutual feeling towards him as well. Killer was just flat out annoying, he despised the skeleton. Always playing jokes and acting condescending and bitchy towards him. How annoying. He seemed to be the only one with big enough balls to actually say something about Error in front of Nightmare. Not that Nightmare ever let it slide without punishment, weirdly enough. You would think the alpha wouldn't give a shit about a little smack talk. Oh well, Error's omega certainly wasn't complaining. He liked the thought of his alpha protecting him...naturally. He had said it multiple times, sometimes he hated his instincts and secondary gender. Even sex was more often, way more often than Error had ever had anyway. Not that he ever actually had sex before Nightmare. Error had gotten pretty used to it at this point, mostly knowing what times Nightmare wanted to have sex. This is because it would mostly happen when Nightmare was frustrated, angry, or stressed. Whether it be over paperwork or an actual person. That being said, that made Nightmare a lot rougher in bed. Screw him for making Error more sore than he's ever been, 24/7. And that's sore considering he fights with Ink 90% of the time.

Anyhow, it had been about 2 months since their bonding and yet his morning has been shit. I mean, it's usually shit in general but it's been shittier than usual. He threw up earlier. To be fair, it could've been from what he had eaten the night before. Error hasn't eaten anything to be considered a meal since he had gotten thrown into that anti-void. Not that he needed it, so he didn't care. Maybe that much food after so long didn't sit right with his stomach, perhaps he'll have to get into the habit of eating big meals again. Nightmare seemed quite adamant about it, strangely enough. Something about how it makes his alpha instincts go haywire, not providing for his omega apparently. Realistically, that makes sense but Error is too stubborn to genuinely validate anything Nightmare says. For now though, he holds off on eating and decides to take a warm bath to calm himself, as he happens to be very irritated. He's been easily irritated for a few days now. More than usual...he nearly killed one of Nightmare's lackeys yesterday, Killer because of how annoyed he had been. Killer hasn't been messing with him as much after that. Perhaps it's because while he didn't kill the skeleton, he did throw him through the wall...Nightmare did get mad at him for that. Not that he cared. Not even the bath helped much, why was the water so hot? But when he tried to adjust the temperature it was too cold, and he didn't like the scent of the body wash, and he was too hot in the bath and too cold when he got out and- Yeah. Maybe he's being extra bitchy lately.

Error only groans, plopping back onto the bed and having the urge to fall back asleep. He's been groggy lately, waking up later than regular, taking excessive naps throughout the day. What the fuck is going on with him? He had never been this way before he moved into this wretched mansion!? Did Nightmare do something to him? He growled in frustration, burying his face in the pillows and pulling the fluffy covers over him. It seemed like the only thing that hadn't been irritating him lately was his bed and....and Nightmare. He loathed admitting it but...he had been feeling more clingy towards Nightmare as of late. He's had such a strong urge to be around the alpha because he wants to be as close as possible to him. And he can't figure out why. He tried to be subtle about it, following Nightmare into the kitchen and pretending to get something just to feel the man's presence and smell his scent. While they cuddled, and that was more than enough for Error awhile ago, he's starting to get angry at the alpha.

'He deserves to be pampered, to be loved, thoroughly taken care of, and paid attention to! Hasn't he earned it!?'

His patience is wearing thin, as is his stubbornness. He sighs, though he perks up when Nightmare enters their shared bedroom. The alpha arches a brow at seeing him in bed once again, grabbing a book from his shelf and talking to the omega. "In bed again? Are you sick? You know you should be telling me these things, Destroyer." Nightmare glares, only because his inner alpha is now roaring inside of him. Error huffs, surprisingly not giving a snappy remark or yelling at the alpha, which makes Nightmare have to stifle a small smile in satisfaction at the obedience. "No. I'm not sick, I'm pretty sure. I don't have a fever or anything...I'm just tired and annoyed lately. And...touch-starved." Error hesitantly adds the last part as indication that he wants attention, making Nightmare hum. "We cuddle every night, how is it that your touch-starved?" Error glares at him, crossing his arms and looking like some type of angry mother. "You do realize how much attention omega's need right? Cuddling every night isn't going to satisfy me." He looks annoyed that he has to explain this, and he is! Nightmare should know how much attention omega's need, no matter the fact that he's a destroyer, he's still a slave to his biology sometimes! Nightmare is silent but nods, crawling into the bed beside Error and allowing the omega to rest his head on his chest as he opens up his book. Once Error is asleep, Nightmare calls for Dust, who enters the room and spares the two an awkward glance but doesn't say a word. "I'll be busy in here all day. Make sure those idiots don't get into trouble, and take this as your day off I suppose." Dust can't retaliate or ask any questions about it before Nightmare shoos him away, his inner alpha being so possessive that he doesn't even like the thought of Dust entering him and his omega's territory. Nightmare sighs as he looks down at Error, just barely grinning. "You've got me wrapped around that bony finger of yours, hm? Lucky you."

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