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⚠️⚠️⚠️Mentions of Eating Disorders(For Horror)⚠️⚠️⚠️

The party was overall, a success. Of course, it was a bit tense with Nightmare and his brother. But he had to admit, once they had really started a conversation? Nightmare forgot about his hatred for the other. Is it just him, or has everything in his life gotten better since Error showed up? Just him? Okay. In the end, Error is having two boys. Nightmare didn't react much, only because he was already so overwhelmed with happiness of having pups in the first place, that he didn't care about the genders.

Then, 2 months pass. Error is 6 months along. It's hell. Nightmare is all for negativity, except for when it's from Error. Error's temper is terrible, along with his mood swings. If Error got upset over what he was wearing and getting out of bed before, can you imagine the smallest trivial things he freaks out about now? Getting out of bed is an hour struggle and reassuring the skeleton that he doesn't look ugly takes even longer. Though, he has to admit...while it's time consuming and frankly, irritating—he wants Error to know that he looks breathtaking carrying his pups. He's carrying two twins! Two big, healthy growing twins. They won't know their secondary genders until their of age, however. Not until the twins are at the ripe age of 16. Not that it really matters, but Error has some sort of 'motherly' instincts, or so he claims. Essentially, Error believes they'll both be alpha's. Nightmare does have some pretty dominant alpha genes, but he doesn't know if he can trust Error's words at the moment. Again, it doesn't really matter. The whole point is that Error is supposed to look this way 6 months pregnant, it's the result of carrying two living beings inside of his body and taking good care of them!

Besides that, back to the original point. Even finding something for Error to eat is a challenge, as most greasy foods tend to make the skeleton throw up just from the smell. Error complains about his entire body being sore, especially his ankles. Especially his breasts. Oh, did I forget to mention that? How else is he supposed to feed the twins? He's an omega, he's kind of made for this. Lactating is awful for him, soaks through all his maternity clothes when the twins act up too much. And THEN there's the endless sex drive. Honestly, Nightmare doesn't see that part as a problem because he loves indulging his omega. Of course, Error disagrees. Then he goes on an hour rant about how he's the one pregnant, not Nightmare and how terrible it is. And last but not least, Error has to use the bathroom. A ton. And he almost falls and gets himself hurt because he refuses the help of others. Probably finds it embarrassing, and Error's always been incredibly stubborn about doing things himself.

Strangely enough, it's all worth it. He's said it once, he'll say it again. Error's carrying their kids, and Nightmare is beyond grateful. Though, he has to admit. He resents how weak and vulnerable Error makes him, how hopelessly in love he is. He tried to play it off at first. He tried to pretend he hated it, that it was all for his benefit. But he just couldn't. Error made his swoon, gave him that butterfly feeling shit. But enough about his love for Error!

Killer had reluctantly apologized. For being a bitch, anyway. Well, it was as good of an apology as you could get out of a ruthless killer. Error still seemed annoyed, but he forgave the skeleton overall. Killer didn't do anything too bad to get Error to hold a grudge against him, so he said 'fuck it' and forgave the skeleton. Overall, the gang had been treating Error fairly well since the pregnancy. They had even been a little protective, if he was bold to inquire. They respected their boss and even held a connection with him, even if Nightmare was very grumpy and irritable 24/7. But at least Nightmare cared enough to allow them to stay in his castle. At least Nightmare cared enough to feed them. At least Nightmare cared enough to let Dust cry on his shoulder when he saw his dead brother. At least Nightmare helped Horror out with his eating disorder. At least Nightmare cared enough to help them. Do you honestly think Nightmare didn't care for them? He was the King of Negativity. He thrived on negativity for a living, fed off of it. Yet, he helped his boys when they felt down?

The whole point is, the gang knows how much Nightmare cares for Error. They know Error feels the same, despite his protests. At first, they had only disliked Error because they figured Error was using Nightmare, was going to betray him eventually. After all, he and Ink did have a truce going on a bit ago. Who's to say they didn't create another one or form an alliance? Though...Error would never go through with getting pregnant for a plan or alliance. And they saw the look in his eyes. Yeah, Error was just as bad as Nightmare when it came to how deeply in love they were with each other.

Dust and Cross attended to most of his needs when Nightmare was busy or gone, they served his meals and did everything Nightmare would usually do for Error. They basically followed all of Error's demands. Horror was more emotional support. Believe it or not, Horror can be quite the sweetheart. He's very...understanding. Even Nightmare can't beat Horror when it comes to comforting words and encouragement. He's not sure how Horror is so good at it, but he isn't complaining. And Killer, Killer mostly covers for Error. They all do, but Killer covers for him most when it comes to his job and anything else related to his daily life as a destroyer. He's also kind of like a guard, always on high alert at the smallest creak or rattle of the bushes. They all play their part in helping Error. Of course, Nightmare can never be busy or gone for too long. Error tends to get fussy when he's gone for longer than 2 days at the max. Him and the twins. So while it's only a small part in their everyday lives, they enjoy it thoroughly. It's actually quite relaxing, as well. It's almost like a long break from their usual job.

Soon, shopping was in order.

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