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For context, not really any smut in this chapter but it gets a little heated. If you aren't comfortable with NSFW themes you can skip this chapter. It's not anything long or detailed, it's just how it starts and time skipping towards the end. Though there is a brief scene where Nightmare touches Error's genitalia, which is a female genitalia.

Nightmare's mouth quirked up in amusement, watching the pathetic thing struggle so helplessly against his instincts. He walked closer to the squirming Destroyer, right in front of his nest. "You look like you're struggling, pretty thing. I don't blame you, it's not good to fight your instincts for so long. Depriving your body of it's natural state is cruel, don't you think?" Nightmare said, teasingly. Hypocritical of him, he supposed. He also didn't partake in omega's, choosing to suffer through ruts alone rather than sleep with some sleazy omega. Though, it was known that you could suffer through ruts alone more than heats. While ruts were actually more severe than heats, heats were more often and needed to be taken care of by a certain time. If Error didn't get an alpha soon, he would go wild. He would go to the first universe he could think of and mount any alpha in sight. Surprising it hasn't happened yet, clearly Error usually uses suppressants. It's clear he doesn't deal with his heat often unless he needs too. And yet he's still able to hold off on pouncing on Nightmare, it really is fascinating. It makes Nightmare's teeth itch, the urge to bite and claim and bond is clouding his judgement.

Suddenly, he feels himself being dragged down into Error's nest. He almost makes a sly remark but stops in his tracks. It's hard to think when Error's bottom half is naked and bare in front of him. His ecto-body is formed, thick and curvy as most omega bodies are depicted as. It seems Error has taken on a female genitalia as well, not something you see everyday from the infamous Destroyer of AU's. The only thing he's wearing is the red t-shirt he keeps under his stitched jacket. He looks like he's hesitant again, questioning why he had brought Nightmare into his nest. Nightmare doesn't give him the chance to kick him out, grabbing onto his chin and kissing the man harshly. It's not gentle, sweet and loving. It's anything but, not that Error would have it any other way right now in this state. Error hates to admit it but...he needs someone harsh, someone strong and not afraid to be rough with him during this time. Nightmare fits that criteria perfectly, unfortunately. Error jolts, whimpering softly as Nightmare's bony finger presses down on his clit harshly. By now, there's no more question as to whether or not he should kick Nightmare out. He definitely can't now. Nightmare hums, circling his clit and grinning at the small, breathy moans it brings out of the Destroyer. "I'm going to make you feel so good." And that's all he says before he really does keep his word, Error has to admit.

He's never had a heat pass so quickly before. Though, in the middle of his heat craze, Nightmare had attached a collar to him. At the time, Error hadn't cared. He was too busy enjoying being fucked to oblivion to give a singular fuck. But now...waking up drowsy with his broken heat and sore body, he scratches at the collar in confusion and panic. "Oi! Asshole!" He growls, hitting Nightmare on the shoulder harshly. Nightmare groans, waking up and barely displaying any emotion at seeing the collar. Though, internally he does feel a bit more pleased and overall satisfied to see it on Error. It soothes his inner alpha enough so that it stops screaming at him to claim and bond Error. "The hell is this? Why is it on me? Get it off!" He once again attempts to rip it off, impossibly of course. The collar that he had gotten for Error can only be taken off by him and him alone. It's why it was so special, these types of collars were used long ago. It was when others trusted each other enough to let them latch a collar on them, make decisions for them, and be controlled by that person when they wanted to wait before bonding. Not that he cared about that sort of thing, all that mattered to him was that Error couldn't have anyone near his precious gland. Error could still engage in sexual intercourse but...it was pretty well known that not many people wanted an omega with a collar on. And with Nightmare's overbearing alpha scent drenched all over it? Yeah, there wasn't a likelihood of that happening. Good, because the thought really did make Nightmare's blood boil, it made his alpha snarl and growl. Not that he would ever admit to that of course! Nightmare explains everything to Error, getting dressed thoroughly and barely escaping before Error tried to attack him. Not that he would be able to win in such a state, Error was messy and naked and sore all over. Even Error is smart enough to know he can't fight like that, but he still tries before Nightmare escapes anyway.

He's livid. He's furious! How dare- How dare some barbarian alpha that he hardly even knows, try and make decisions for him! He doesn't have much time to think about it, too busy cleaning himself up and feeling embarrassed from the fluids leaking out of him, evidence from their former acts.

Though, he has to admit. Other than anger...he feels...vulnerable. He feels scared. He knows that it may be considered pathetic or weak, but that's the only thing Error has ever been scared of. Being...Being controlled and bonded to someone for the rest of his life...

It sounds awful.

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