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It wasn't long before they told the gang, who practically passed out at learning the news. Killer especially. Nightmare tried to hide it, he really did. But he was already going full dad mode. He insisted that they start shopping right away, building a room for the twins as well. Error was already 4 months along, okay!? This was important. Though, they didn't know the genders yet so they wouldn't build the room just yet. Therefore, they decided to visit Sci once again. Error was far enough along to tell the genders, but Error had decided that he wanted it to be a surprise. He wanted to do one of those gender reveal cakes! Nightmare hated parties....but Error was quite prominent about it. How could he say no? So they ordered one, deciding they would wait a week to throw the party. The gang would obviously be there, Error decided to invite Blue, Anti-Error, Geno and regrettably, Fresh. Error was good friends with Blue and Anti, and Geno and Fresh were his brothers. His brothers were...not happy to say the least. Especially Fresh. Nightmare doesn't get scared, but in that moment....Fresh definitely took the cake for the creepiest sight Nightmare's ever laid eyes on. Overall, it would be a small party just for a few friends. Error was inviting his family too....should...should he?-

No. No he wouldn't. He couldn't. He sighed, rubbing his temple. Dream. Dream would be so happy to learn that he had gotten a mate, somebody that genuinely made him happy, someone that was carrying his pups. He would be an uncle. Or maybe he would betray him, tell Ink, destroy his family, destroy his life like he's always done-
He groans as he takes out a piece of paper, ink, and a quill.

'Dear Dream,
                       Hello Brother, it's been awhile since we've last spoken. I won't beat around the bush, the only reason I am writing to you today is because I've decided to invite you to a party I'm throwing. You wouldn't know, but over the last few months I've acquired a mate. Error, the destroyer of AU's. I will admit that he makes me quite happy, and we've recently learned that he is pregnant with twins. Despite my hesitance, Error wanted you to come along for the gender reveal party. That is all.'

He added the period and set his quill back in his ink. He sighed, putting the paper into the letter and sealing it closed. He looks at the letter for a moment, still rethinking his decision. He decides it's time. Time to see his brother once more, Error and the twins deserve to have Dream in their lives. Even if Nightmare himself opposes the idea. He makes Cross deliver the letter, as Cross and Dream have been getting...close. Nightmare sneered at the thought, clicking his tongue in dissatisfaction. Cross was also one of the only people who could create portals in the gang besides himself and Error. Plus, he was pretty sure Dream trusted Cross the most out of all of them.
Nightmare snorted as Error was having a mental breakdown. Error glared at him with glassy eyes, "Something you find HUMOROUS?!" He growled out, quite loudly too. Nightmare shrugged, grinning in amusement. Of course, that was until Error practically broke down crying on the floor. Nightmare raised a brow and sighed, though he couldn't help but feel a tad bit bad. He walked over to Error, rubbing his back in a circular motion. "Error, love, nobody is going to judge you for wearing maternity clothes. Your 4, going on 5, months along. It's natural. Everybody will understand." Nightmare explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Error sniffled and pouted at him, still glaring at him and hitting his shoulder. "Don't laugh at me while I'm in a crisis next time, fucker." Error said sternly, this made Nightmare nod in affirmation.

Nightmare knew everybody had known how many months along Error was. Everybody that was invited to their party, anyway. Nobody was going to talk about something as silly as his clothing. Even if they did, Nightmare would likely just kill them. Unless they were Error's brothers, he supposes. As Error finally got dressed, the two walked downstairs together. Geno and Fresh had arrived early, but Nightmare waited to tell him about it. The two did have to cover their scent as to not spoil the surprise, of course. Error gasped, looking at Nightmare and back at the two multiple times. It seems Geno couldn't take the suspense any longer as he ran up to Error and locked him in a tight hug. Nightmare only felt a twitch of irritation and worry about how tight the hug was. Error could probably sense this, suggesting Geno loosen the hug. Geno reluctantly listened, as Fresh walked over as well. Error had a spark of irritation evident in his eye, but there was also love and content. He was naturally more clingy to his family and his mate, especially when he's 4 months pregnant. They caught up, as Nightmare was uninterested until he heard the knock on his front door. There was only one person who wasn't here yet. He hesitantly walked over to the door, trying to appear confident. It must've been a fail as Error looked at him with concern. He released a breath he hadn't even known he had been holding. He opened the door. And of course, as expected, it was his positive brother.

Said brother, was happy to see him and began to talk. A lot. Nightmare wasn't processing most of the information anyway, but he rubbed his temple and groaned. "Dream, for the love of all things negative, shut up and come inside." Nightmare said, tone baritone and annoyed. Dream looked at him with a sheepish smile, slightly embarrassed as he stepped inside, looking around with wonder. He almost squealed when he saw Error, walking over with excitement. Nightmare followed. He asked so many questions, Nightmare practically had to restrain him so he didn't overwhelm his mate. Error was clearly enjoying his time though. And the positive aura from Dream made Error feel safe and protected. So, Nightmare had to admit.

He was thankful that Dream showed up.

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