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Nightmare wasn't sure how long he was staring at the glitched skeleton, but it must've not been very long because eventually Error turned towards him. He sputtered and covered himself up thoroughly with the blankets he had collected, even though Nightmare couldn't see anything beforehand anyway. How cute. A lot of things the Destroyer was doing lately could be considered cute to Nightmare. Error couldn't do much but furrow his brows and attempt an intimidating glare towards the alpha, who simply snorted arrogantly. Error didn't trust his own words. He didn't trust himself to not ask the alpha to do unspeakable things to him, to not humiliate himself in front of such a cocky king. He was truly, for once, too anxious to speak his mind. Every part of him was telling him something different, his much stronger and more clear instincts screaming at him to simply ask Nightmare for help. Then, his brain that he was just barely able to hear from a distance that told him there was no way he could embarrass himself in front of someone like Nightmare!! While he and Nightmare never truly interacted all that much, Error could proudly say that he disliked the king. He hated arrogant, egotistical alpha's. That description seemed to fit Nightmare perfectly, maybe that was the only reason he hadn't pounced on the alpha yet. "You seem to be in quite the predicament, Destroyer. Though, I admire your willpower. Any other omega would've thrown themselves at any alpha within their radius in a heart beat. It just makes me all the more...attracted to you." Nightmare husked, tone laced with malice and ridicule. Then again, Error wasn't just any other omega. He knew that fully well by now, that's what kept him so captivated.

Error however, was confused. Attracted? That had to be a joke. Then again...when has the King of Negativity ever made a joke before? No...No he must just be mocking him! Ridiculing him! He sneered, "WhaT nOw? GonNA tEll eVerYone wHaT I aM?" He questioned, not that he cared that badly. Sure, it would be the most humiliating thing in his life but...it would also be hilarious. To see the looks on everyone's faces, every stupidly egotistical alpha's face. To know that the Destroyer of AU's is an omega! A damn strong one that could defeat them easily, it would be such a bruise to their ego and Error thinks that might be worth it all. Nightmare chuckled, "Tell everyone? Heavens, no. I don't see how that would benefit me in any way, Destroyer." He replied matter of factly, and the more Error thought about it? That was true. Nightmare really gained nothing from telling everyone what he was, Nightmare knew of his power and his distaste for alpha's. He had probably already figured out that Error would simply bask in the embarrassment of all the alpha's in the multiverse. "ThEn whAt dO yoU wAnt?! It'S haRD enOuGh sitTiNg heRe wiTh YoU a fEw fEEt awAy!" He complained, he didn't see anything wrong with admitting that it was hard to control himself around Nightmare. He had quite a few reasons on why. First off, he truly didn't care of Nightmare found it pathetic, it was natural and he would not feel humiliated about a natural response. Second off, Nightmare has never been interested in any omega's before so there should be no reason for him to be interested in Error of all people. Especially when they had a feud going on. Lastly, he doubted Nightmare would stay long if he found out Error was getting aroused from the thought of him. How laughable, Error thinking about such a arrogant alpha that would probably provide so very well for him and would fuck him so good through every heat and never lose any stamina-

That's when it hit him. He was genuinely aroused at the thought of Nightmare for some odd reason. Of course, he would hold desire towards any alpha that visited him during a heat. Again, natural biological response. Except...Nightmare was starting to smell really good. He was starting to feel anxious...Nightmare was displaying such negative pheromones and it was clear that his omegan instincts were going haywire. His omega was mad at him, for not...for not doing something to please the King in front of him. He felt so drawn towards the King right now. He wanted...he wanted so badly for Nightmare to just bite-

Yeah, something was definitely off. Nightmare however, found the act amusing. He could feel and smell the growing arousal in the void.  Nightmare knowingly walked into the anti-void, displaying anger and making Error feel overwhelmed with the urge to do something to appease him. He was still fighting his instincts though. Such a stubborn thing. "What do I want? I thought you were smarter than that, omega." Error growled and bared his teeth, making Nightmare grin. "Though I guess I can't be too angry, hm? It can't be helped. Your heat is making it hard to think, making you all dumb right? I'll explain it to you then, out of the kindness of my soul. What I want is you, Error." That seemed to make Error freeze, eyes widening. Instincts be damned, he could feel the slick coming in waves at this point. He squeezed his thighs together harshly despite the desperate throbbing that came from below. Such internal conflict, he didn't want or need any alpha! Especially not Nightmare of all people. But his omega disagreed. Nightmare is strong, fearsome, let alone wealthy! He'd be such a good provider, especially for future pups.

He hated Nightmare badly, but he couldn't sit around with Nightmares scent wafting in the air. He couldn't stay still anymore, he needed to quench the flames in his body. Nightmare could do that, Nightmare could help him and they would mate and bond and get pregnant and married and and and and-

Oh god. He needed it bad.

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