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Error growled as he was shook awake, dare he say...gently. He glared up at whoever had dared to wake him up, surprised to see Nightmare. Nightmare had woken him up before but this time he was still in bed with him, laying with him. Most of the time he would be in his regular outfit and only entered their shared bedroom to wake him up and go to bed, of course. He couldn't help the beating of his soul, the way his inner omega leaped with happiness. He was sure Nightmare could smell it, because he was grinning slyly. Error glared, raising a middle finger and pointing to the alpha who only chuckled. Nightmare never showed this side of himself to anyone. Why was it so easy to show it to Error? Was it just because they were bonded now? Or something more? Maybe they truly did have a connection. They were similar in a lot of ways. Not only in terror and destruction, but also in the sense that they had similar problems. Both had been feared, tormented. Both were always in a constant battle, no matter who it was with, themselves or the Star Sanses. Both even have terrible communication skills, yet it's so much easier to talk around one another. It is mathematically correct that two negatives make a positive, after all? Nightmare snorts at the thought. Enough of that train of thought, however. There's more important things to focus on, like the dazzling skeleton in front of him. Perhaps he was getting a bit too generous with the compliments, but they tended to just spill from his mouth with Error. He hummed, not actually listening to whatever Error was saying and instead he planted a kiss upon the omega's forehead. Error was in astonishment. He couldn't process it.

"As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day dear, I have a few plans to finish up on. Plus...I don't trust those idiots alone for more than 2 days at the max." Nightmare said as he got up from the bed, already missing the warmth from it. Already missing Error. He thought for a moment as he began getting dressed in his regular outfit. "Would you like to join me in my office? I'll be there all day anyway. We have a meeting today as well." Nightmare explained. Typically, Error didn't join in any meetings because he wasn't officially part of the gang. Nightmare was too protective to let him get hurt, it seemed. But lately he had been more lenient on what Error could do, as he had been extremely bored and he still had a job to do. Make sure Ink doesn't destroy the multiverse. Error snapped out of his trance at the words, still flushing a deep blue and rubbing at his forehead. He mumbled out a grumbled, "Sure, yeah, whatever." Which only served to make Nightmare smile. "However," Nightmare continued, making Error intrigued as he raised a brow. Nightmare scanned over his body, "You should probably put on shorts. I'm not too fond of others seeing my omega's legs bare." Error blushed, forgetting that he had indeed, been too lazy to put on shorts. He only had on a king shirt of his that went mid-thigh. He didn't respond but he nodded weakly, deciding not to make a ruckus or protest. Nightmare hummed appreciatively, walking to the door and leaving after a quick, "Come whenever your ready, love you." Was this brute of an alpha trying to kill him!? That was the first time Nightmare had uttered the words...'I love you'. He hid his face in his pillow once again, groaning. His blush from before had just been going down before Nightmare had said that...

He sighed, allowing himself to at least put on shorts. Even shorts were too tight on him, was he getting bloated or something? His ecto-stomach, he means. He shakes it off, he doesn't really care. Even if it is strange...considering that he doesn't eat. Maybe he's just putting on weight more quickly because it's his first time eating in years as of lately? He huffs, a little annoyed but he bears through it. He trudges through the hallways, making his way to his mate's office. He enters quietly, Nightmare only acknowledging him with a glance and then he's back to focusing on paperwork. Error feels a bit awkward, but he wants to be closer to Nightmare. Luckily, Nightmare has always been good about telling his emotions, so he  turned his attention back to Error and patted his lap. Error rose a brow, but began blushing furiously and sputtering when he realized what Nightmare meant. Nightmare puffed out a laugh, "Come now, surely you aren't getting shy on me now darling? You've sat on other places much more inappropriate than my lap." He hummed, and Error could only glare. He was feeling stubborn now, but he could only stand around for so long. He was itching to be close to his alpha, so he finally caved into his instincts. He situated himself on Nightmare's lap, getting comfortable and burying his face into Nightmare's neck. Perhaps, that wasn't the brightest idea. He was nose-first with his scent gland. But even if he tried to move, Nightmare only kept his head there. He snarled in warning, making Nightmare chuckle. "Go on. No shame in it, the meeting isn't until 30 minutes anyhow." Error swallowed thickly, not like he could've denied if he wanted to. He felt his eyes droop as he inhaled that scent, he knew that he was in some type of...subspace if that's what you wanted to call it. It's almost the same as a heat, where he's submissive enough to agree to nearly anything Nightmare wants. He hates and loves the feeling, as crazy as that might sound. You would think a destroyer, someone like him, would hate the feeling of having all the decisions made for him. Sometimes...even the strongest people needed some relief, alright? Can ya blame him? It's just...so much easier having somebody make all the decisions for him. Doesn't mean he wants somebody to control him his entire life, but he wants somebody to take the stress off his shoulders sometimes. Nightmare was the person to do that.

He's scent drunk, Nightmare's only humming and rubbing his back soothingly every so often. He could probably fall back asleep like this, and he almost does. "It's almost time for the meeting, love. I'm gonna have to ask you to move. Unless you want the others to see you like this of course, you are drooling after all." Error snaps out of his trance, scrambling off of the man and wiping his chin. He scrunches his face at the wet feeling, he was drooling. He quickly tried to compose himself, though he could tell he was still blushing. They made their way towards the meeting room, the rest of the gang already there. They quickly silenced themselves as the two entered the room. It never failed to surprise Error about how Nightmare could change from doting on him, to his old, terrifying, king of negativity ways. It was kind of hot, actually. The only seat left for Error was between Killer and Dust...naturally. He plopped down, hoping to get through this meeting quickly. Not likely that Killer would let him. He loathed the skeleton. An omega, just like him. One attached to Nightmare, a little too much. Everyone knew that Killer had been after Nightmare before he came into the picture. Not that Nightmare was ever interested. So it didn't really matter, did it? Killer was obviously still stuck on it though, he made it his goal to annoy the destroyer each and every day.

Halfway through the meeting, Error was ready to lose his shit. Killer was only grinning at him smugly, Dust glaring at the other skeleton in warning. He was clearly much brighter than the other skeleton provoking Error. Nightmare glanced at him, and he could swear he saw a flicker of irritation in his eye as he looked from him to Killer. Nightmare made a simple finger motion towards himself, making Error look around in confusion. Error pointed to himself in confusion, ''Me?' He silently questioned, making Nightmare nod. He followed the directions, yelping when he was once again, as earlier, pulled into the alpha's lap. Same position as before, he held back a whimper as he was face to face with Nightmare's scent gland again. And the fucker just kept going on about his meeting. He groaned, this was going to be a longgggg meeting.

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