Chapter 10

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"Y/N. So you are alive."

"Xiao. You're here. Come sit down. I prepared some almond tofu." 

You went to grab a plate as the adeptus sat down. He looked at you. 

"Did you really forget about this place?" You chuckled. 

"I did. Otherwise.....I wouldn't be here. How'd you find me? You're the only one I gave permission to come here." 

"I traced your powers. When you healed me, I got a taste of your power. I can trace it now." 

"Huh. Ok then. Well, here. eat." giving the plate to Xiao, you sat down beside him. 

"Why?" Sighing, you prepared to answer the question you'd been dreading. 

"It pushed me over the edge. I couldn't.... I couldn't feel myself anymore. I felt trapped. I thought the only way out was to die. I knew this would happen. I built this a long time ago. Thinking I would regret it. Now, I'm not so sure. I might have regretted not being able to say goodbye, but I would have been free. Now, I....I still feel trapped, but not as much as before. And I think that, I would like to stay alive for now. Who knows what I'll feel later, but for now, I'm kind of glad to be alive." Xiao nodded. He had already finished his food and he was now standing up. 

"I have to go meet with the other adepti. We need to meet with the Qixing. I can bring you to the outside of Liyue if you want." You accepted his offer. When you got there, you immediately ran to the golden house. 

Running inside, you saw Lumi in a defensive stance in front of the Exuvia and Ajax ready to fight her. The Exuvia made you pause. It was the same as you remembered. Reminding yourself that he wasn't really dead, you walked up to the pair. Ajax noticed you first. 

"Y/N? I thought I told you to get far away from the harbor!" Lumi gaped at that. 

"How does he know your real name Y/N? I thought I told you to stay away from him! And when did you decide to get here? You promised to meet us at Dilua Marsh. Instead you go trying to kill yourself and finally meet us here?" 

Caught between the two, you stood there, panting. 


"Whoa whoa whoa. What does she mean trying to kill yourself?" Ajax looked at you concerned. "Was it because of me?" 

"No- I just." 

"Ugh forget it. Just stay out of our way." The two of them simultaneously said. 

You quickly stepped to the side to watch their battle. 

Then, Ajax activated his electro form. Concerned for him, you look worriedly between the two. Suddenly, he lunges at Lumi. Lumi blocks it with anemia while using a geo attack. A huge gust of wind blew, kicking dust up. It cleared, and Childe was by the exuvia. 

"Haha.. Didn't think you had that card hidden up your sleeve..." He chuckled a bit

"You were just playing us to get close to the Exuvia!"

"Oh, quiet down. Stop acting like some wide-eyed recruit. You've seen this world. You of all people should know... This should have been expected. Well then, I'll be taking Morax's Gnosis now!" He reached in. You winced. Bracing yourself. The only one in this room that knew the truth. 

When he came out empty handed, you expected the rise of temper. Accusing the traveler of getting it before him, he broke the floor of the Golden House. 

When he transformed again, you gasped. His first transformation and the battle had already taken a lot of his energy. This second one would sap a lot of his strength. 

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