Robert: I'm sorry about all this, Pruit. I wouldn't want Andy to have lied to you that much, but we really think you wouldn't accept our relationship, since Andy is a lieutenant and I'm a captain.

Pruit: I won't deny that in the first moment, when I found out, I feared my daughter's career yes and I also feared that she could be hurt in this relationship. But I tried to observe you two better and I've never seen my daughter as happy as she is lately.

Andy: Dad, you keep saying you already knew, but how did you find out?

Pruit: I've known for a long time that you were in a relationship, but I didn't know with whom. You were always on calls with someone and you seemed happy about it. Then began some strange requests to have free days on weekends to take small trips and even a trip to Brazil alone. But then those trips stopped and you started sleeping away from home more often. Obviously I'm no fool and I looked up the news with an influential friend at the airport. He pulled your chart for me and saw that you always went to the same town in Montana. So I just had to plug the plugs in and I realized that if you weren't going to Montana anymore, it was because your reason for travel was now in Seattle.

Andy: So you were investigating me since that time?

Pruit: Yes. And it wasn't hard at all to see how your eyes sparkle when the two of you are together.

Andy and Robert looked at each other.

Pruit: See for yourself! You can try to hide it, but your passionate eyes didn't go unnoticed by me.

Andy: You're right dad. I love Robert like I've never loved anyone and I can't hide it.

Pruit: I saw how much you cared about Robert when he was in the hospital and I also saw how his presence changed you after Ryan was shot. I asked Robert for help because I knew he was the only one capable of making you stronger in that difficult time. And I was right.

Andy: Yes. You were right to have called him. I really needed him by my side to ease my suffering. Thanks for that.

Pruit: Now that you've revealed this secret, I need to ask a question. I need to know just one thing.

Robert: We don't want any more secrets. You can ask what you want.

Pruit: How did this all start?

Andy: On the trip I took alone to New York.

Andy and Robert then told how they met and Pruit was surprised, as he had already tried to decipher the beginning of the story, but he did not fit the missing piece. He could only think that they had met on some dating app.

Pruit: It's a beautiful story. I'm glad I didn't go on that trip and I didn't get in the way of fate bringing you together. It's good that you fought for love and didn't let the distance separate you. You deserve to be happy and I know you will be.

Andy was still in disbelief that her father was so peaceful.

Andy: I've put off this conversation for so long because I always thought you were going to say a lot of things about my career and be against it...

Pruit soon interrupted her:

Pruit: You are good to each other and I couldn't be against my daughter's happiness. If I didn't see your love, I would certainly be against it. But I don't want you to make the same mistake I did. I prioritized my work over my marriage and ended up alone.

Andy didn't understand what her father meant. He was alone yes, but because he was a widower. Never because he was a bad husband. Then, she got up from her chair and sat next to her father to hug him.

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