Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 Lifetime Achievement

    "Are you sure it's me?" Not only did the others not believe it, but Ji Wanwan herself also didn't expect it. She was worried that this was just a prank game with a lively atmosphere. Ji Wanwan repeatedly confirmed it for fear of making a joke.

    "I don't think I read it wrong. I checked it several times."

    The host was professionally trained after all. Although he was surprised by the result, he finally gave Ji Wanwan and everyone a positive answer.

    "Oh my god!"

    "This is too..."

    Everyone had the same disbelief on their faces, and the celebrities who were proud of their expression management all ran away from home.

    Especially the nominees who competed for the best actor together, let alone how funny their expressions are.

    Originally, Ji Wanwan's nomination for Best Actor was full of jokes, and no one regarded her as a competitor. Unexpectedly, it was this person who they didn't pay attention to, who squeezed them out and was successfully elected as Best Actor.

    That is, if three people other than them were elected, they would not feel so uncomfortable.

    The best actor was actually awarded to a woman, how do others think of them?

    This reminded them of the previous joke about "involvement". Even female celebrities can grab awards from male celebrities, isn't that just introversion?

    Last year's Golden Phoenix Award, this year's Flower Award, is there anything Ji Wanwan can't do?

    Seeing Ji Wanwan, who was out of shape and stared at Ji Wanwan on the stage to accept the award after repeated urging by the host, everyone had mixed feelings.

    Even celebrities are like this, let alone ordinary netizens.

    "Damn it!"

    The barrage in the award ceremony broadcast room was blank for about ten seconds before netizens gradually left messages.

    "I can only say that Ji Wanwan is awesome."

    "No TV drama dares to act like this."

    "This is the most convoluted introversion I have ever     seen. This plot direction is really unexpected." Not only will she compete with the female star for the best actress, but she will also compete with the leading actor for the best actor." "

    Everyone should be thankful that Ji Wanwan has not played a supporting role so far, otherwise the best supporting actor and actress will not be spared. "

    In that case, can I expect Ji Wanwan to compete for the best director in the future?" "

    Hahahaha, everyone has big brains!"

    "Facts have proved that no matter how big the brains are, they can't catch up with Ji Wanwan's success." Lu, look at his operations along the way, are people predictable?" "

    I'm so envious of Ji Wanwan's career fans, it must be very fun to follow." "

    The career fans said that whenever they think that Wanwan is lv1 Not long after that, Wanwan had already given birth to several LVs, and her career fandom was undoubtedly booming, and Wanwan has never let us down." There was a lot of news on the Internet about Ji Wanwan winning the

    best actor. When it came to this entry, everyone’s first reaction was the gimmick of the marketing account. Anyway, every time they put up a scary title to lure people in, everyone said that they had seen through the routine long ago.

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