Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 Want to buy a house

    It's just that there is already a lot of noise on the Internet because of this matter, and it's a bit unreasonable for the program team not to come forward.

    When participating in the show before, Ji Wanwan didn't win the best actress. She came to the show as Lin Jianlu's little follower. To be honest, the two actresses, Luo and Li, didn't have much respect for her. They would buy her skin care products for the first time. One is that I am really envious of their skin condition, and the other is that I bought it for Lin Jianlu's sake.

    With the mentality that they would rather believe what they have or not, the two quickly placed an order. Although these skin care products are not cheap, it is true that being an actor is more profitable than other industries, so thousands of dollars are in the In their eyes, it is considered painless, and it is very easy to hold.

    I didn't expect that the two of them would smell really good after buying it. How effective is Ji Wanwan's skin care products? In fact, as long as you have used it, you won't have this question.

    After all, they are female celebrities, and their faces are still very important to them. Although Ji Wanwan's information is complete, just in case, the two of them took skin care products to find a special testing agency for testing. After the test, there is no problem I just started using it, and after getting the skin care products back to use for a while, Luo and Li looked at their increasingly smooth and delicate faces and were soon deeply shocked by its effects.

    "This thigh is locked!" The words flashed across their hearts at the same time, and the contempt for her was swept away in an instant.

    Later, when Ji Wanwan won the Golden Phoenix Award for Best Actress, the two raised her status even more in their hearts, wishing to confess her, and dare not treat her as a newcomer who could be ignored at will.

    "What did Ji Wanwan say?" Luo and Li, two actresses, were very nervous, wondering if Ji Wanwan would blame them for not explaining to her.

    Who asked Ji Wanwan to say that there are not many raw materials for skin care products, and the production cannot be guaranteed.

    Before using it, they thought that Ji Wanwan said this as an excuse to increase the value of skin care products, but after using it, they didn't think so anymore. With such a miraculous effect, they didn't believe it when they were told that it could be produced in large quantities.

    So in order to be able to buy Ji Wanwan's skin care products anytime and anywhere in the future, and keep their skin in excellent condition, they can only carefully keep this treasure tightly covered, in case more people know about it, and they will never be able to buy it again.

    In fact, before the show was broadcast, they knew that some content in the show might cause a lot of controversy, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

    It was because they were lucky, and after seeing the situation on the Internet, the two hurriedly contacted Ji Wanwan's team to try to remedy it. Even if they were asked to remove this episode, it would not be unacceptable to hire a trooper to help.

    "What they mean is that we only need to talk about our true feelings, and we don't need to do other things." The actress surnamed Li repeated the words on the other side with a look of disbelief.     "Are they so Buddhist? It's been scolded like this on the Internet, are they going to let it go?" I heard that Ji Wanwan's studio is the only artist in her place before, and all resources are tilted towards her. Now it seems that Isn't that the case?     The actress surnamed Luo was puzzled and had no idea what they were going to do.     "I heard it means Ji Wanwan." The actress surnamed Li didn't know what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourd.     Although they don't know what their calculations are, the two still posted a microblog to describe their experience in detail as much as possible, hoping to dispel the worries of netizens and prove that Ji Wanwan's skin care products are really good. It works.     "We have already done what we have to do, and we can do whatever else we want. I only hope that we can still buy her skin care products in the future." The two looked at each other and let things take their course.     After the two actresses posted on Weibo, they didn’t know that their overly sincere content further strengthened the idea of ​​“they are just blowing rainbow farts for the sake of the same circle” and even more disbelieved Ji Wanwan. Homemade skin care products work,     so it's a wonderful misconception.     "Why do you want to do this?" Not only the two actresses Luo and Li were puzzled by Ji Wanwan's actions, Lin Jianlu and others also didn't know why she did this.

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