Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 Monster Wanwan

    Ji Wanwan didn't know about the discussion about the special issue on the Internet, "Legend of Heroes of the Xingtian" had notified her of joining the group a few days ago, and now she is hiding in an old forest in a deep mountain, and even the company may not be able to contact her.

    The director who filmed this TV series is surnamed Guan. He is a well-known director of Xianxia dramas in the industry. He has filmed many hit dramas.

    This time, it was also because Xingtian Company was rich and powerful, and the script attracted him, that they were able to invite him.

    Director Guan takes the work seriously, and he believes that the post-production green screen effect is no match for the uncanny workmanship of nature. Before the actors joined the group, he had already scouted most of the filming locations. No, once the actors were in place, the crew paid a lot of money and went to the edge of a certain tropical rainforest.

    Even the edge of the tropical rainforest is not safe. The safety work of the crew is very good. The medical team and guides are always ready. The actors are watched when they come in and out. In case a security agreement is signed.     In addition, forget about how comfortable the environment is. It is not easy to ensure that you are full every day. It is also common to see small creatures such as rabbits and centipedes outside the tent.     At the beginning, everyone was still afraid, but later everyone got used to it, and they could discuss the appearance of the small animals after filming. In the wild where there is no Internet and no entertainment facilities, it can be regarded as having fun while suffering.     After all the actors got used to it, the filming of the TV series progressed steadily. It has to be said that the untouched wilderness is indeed amazingly beautiful. Coupled with Director Guan's unique eyes that are good at discovering beauty, the final picture presented in the camera is particularly amazing.     "It really feels like another world." Huang Yuyi's body was straight, and his hands and feet were full of uprightness, just like a young knight.     "This is too good, the director is really good." The actor who played the heroine of Wuxiufang said this. She had a premonition that this TV series would definitely explode.     "Indeed, it's not in vain for our hard work these days." A handsome monk in the shape of a monk nodded, wearing cassocks on him with an indescribable aura, very attractive.

    "I'm finally leaving. It's really not easy."

    "I haven't showered for a long time, and I'm going to smell bad." "

    I want to go out and have a big meal, but I'm still the leader of the martial arts? Have you ever seen me so hungry? The sallow and emaciated leader of the martial arts world?" The person who said this was an old man who had no other hobbies. He loved food all his life. During this period of time, everything else seemed to him tolerable, but the food was the only thing that made him suffer. unspeakable.

    Although this TV series has a protagonist, there are also many other characters. The actors gathered together to discuss in a hurry. I have to say that the director and the investor are very good at selecting candidates, except for Ji Wanwan and Huang Yuyiliang A leading role, the actors present here have their own temperaments and have great personal characteristics.

    "Okay, this time the shooting is over here, and we will move to the desert. Before that, everyone has three days off, and we will gather at the airport in three days." Director Guan waved away the excited actors surrounding him like a fly. , Said a piece of news that I don't know if it is bad news.     "Isn't it? It's only three days off!" Everyone's faces were happy when they heard that the holiday was off, but after Director Guan said the time, they all became downcast. Lying at home for three days off is not enough to recover the energy consumed during this period. , let alone others.     "Besides, it's actually a desert. The environment can't be worse than the rainforest, right?" Some actors also noticed the filming location behind.     "This is too..." The actress who played the heroine of Wuxiufang was crying. Her skin has been neglected for a long time. If she returns from the desert, can she still watch it?     She still cherishes her skin very much, not to mention the requirements of the stars in the circle, she can think of the headlines of the media after the filming.     "The environment in the desert is a little bit worse, but there are many and sweet fruits there, you can eat more to replenish your water, I will pay for it, and I will take care of it!" The actress's sadness is too obvious, and the director is also a little embarrassed.     After that, there are still several filming locations. If the actor’s emotions are not appeased, the shooting will be affected later. He is still willing to pay for this.

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