Chapter 26

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Harry and Louis have been packing their things for the tour for an hour already. While Harry seems quite organized, the experience of the last few years definitely pays off here, Louis sits aimlessly in front of the suitcase only to jump up again and decide on other shirts or trousers. He also thinks about what camera equipment he should take with him, because he clearly has too much and only wants to take the bare essentials with him that can be used in a variety of ways.

In any case, while packing, it was noticeable how much of his stuff had meanwhile found its way into Harry's house and Louis had actually already moved in without either of them ever saying it out loud. Harry had just said, walking by, fully laden with clothes, that Louis would be officially moving in when they got back. And Louis just blushed and nodded. Because sometimes he's afraid that Harry might think he's taking advantage of his wealth or maybe they're doing everything too fast in their relationship. But on the other hand, everything feels far too right for that and he knows exactly that Harry enjoys it just as much that Louis spends his days and nights with him.

Just as he's staring sitting on the floor at his cameras lined up in front of him, the arrival of a new message on his phone provides a welcome distraction. A look at his display reveals that it is from Bree.

'1 million followers! Crazy, right? We should give the Larries something to celebrate the day. Do you have any idea?'

Louis immediately takes to Twitter to see for himself, and when he sees the number of followers in front of him in black and white, he can't help but put his hand on his heart and grin so wide his cheeks are already hurting.

'I'll tell Harry now. I'll let you know what we're giving the Larries.'

With a beating heart, he goes looking for Harry and finds him in the hallway in front of his large shoe closet, where he stands concentrated, tapping his nose with his finger and looking adorable so that Louis briefly forgets what he was actually up to.

"I have something to tell you," he babbles out, and when Harry looks in his direction in amazement, he takes the last few steps towards him and gives him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, which Harry just touched so sweetly.

"Don't you want to go on tour anymore?" Harry asks, looking in so bewildered that Louis chuckles.

"Shhh, of course I'll come with you. I've done something. Along with Bree," he begins to speak and Harry raises an eyebrow and sighs.

"What should I expect?"

"Something great! So the night we were arguing and I got drunk... we came up with the idea of creating an update account for us. Mainly to show you how many people follow it and how many love us. So that you can see in black and white that Jess is wrong in his claims and that when you are free you can make your dream of an album full of sappy songs come true. It will be a great success when you are ready and out and proud. Whenever you get overwhelmed by fears, you can look there, every picture we have posted has only received lovely comments and has been shared thousands of times."

"Louis... but what if that ever comes out?" Harry asks, his lower lip wobbling, and somehow it doesn't go the way Louis thought it would. So he takes his face in his hands and looks him seriously in the eyes.

"Forget your management for a moment now, love. Please note the core statement. There's at least a million people out there who see you, see me. Our real self. Supporting you in loving a man. Over the next few years, we can keep telling them that we're still together and we're still going strong!"

"Are you quoting Shania?" Harry grins and clasps his hands behind Louis' neck while stealing a kiss.

Louis, still holding the phone, opens Twitter and turns it toward Harry so he can see. "Obviously! Come on, I'll show you the account."

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