Chapter 20

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Of course management was quicker than Louis and had already sent out the NDA's to his family and friends yesterday as Niall had immediately responded to his message today, asking him to come and speak to Bree and him in person.

This time it's Louis who needs support and he has asked Harry to come with him. Niall didn't sound angry about all in the message, yet Louis still feels bad about lying to them. And of course he finally wants to proudly present Harry as his boyfriend. Though Bree and Niall already know him, it feels good to finally be able to do it, even if it's only in a small circle.

They let Harry's bodyguard drive them to his friend in a darkened car, so nobody can take a picture of them together. But the hide-and-seek has its good points too, as it's hotter than messing around in the backseat like teenagers.

As they arrive in front of Niall's apartment, they pull their hoodies down over their faces and each of them a pair of sunglasses, safe in the knowledge that Niall is already in the doorway so they can scurry in without being seen. All this is so new to Louis and he has to get used to the idea that this will now be part of his life. At least for the next few years. But before he can think about it any further, Harry has already grabbed his hand and is pulling him out of the car behind him.

When Niall closes the door, Louis immediately hugs him and his best friend pulls him even tighter.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to lie to you," Louis murmurs close to his torso where he presses his face into it.

"It's okay Tommo. Come on, let's go inside first," he says softly, pushing Louis away while his eyes drift to Harry. "Hi Harry."

Harry smiles and nods as a greeting back and the three of them quickly rush into Niall's apartment before they stand around in the hallway of the apartment building any longer and run the risk of being caught. Harry grabs Louis' hand again and strokes his cheek with his knuckles, an encouraging smile on his face.

Arriving in the apartment, they both lower their hoods and take off their sunglasses, only for Bree to storm around the corner and hug Louis.

"Harvey, huh?" she grins cheekily and winks as she lets go of him.

"Who is Harvey?" Harry immediately asks before Louis even has a chance to answer. His arms across his chest and he raises his eyebrows at Louis.

"Woah calm down, Curly. That was my fake name for you when I wasn't allowed to tell them who the man of my dreams is," Louis laughs and shakes his head while Harry's cheeks turn pink and he looks down mischievously.

"We're both jealous, aren't we, love?" Louis says, snuggling up against his boyfriend and stealing a kiss.

"Oh my gosh, I'm about to die... is that cute," Bree squeaks, clapping her hands together in delight.

"Do we always have to deal with that from now on?" Niall just asks dryly and Louis and Harry just chuckle to themselves.

"Niall! Leave the two alone. Larry Stylinson is so real, I still can't believe it," Bree chirps and pushes the two further into the apartment, towards the living room and everyone snuggles onto the sofa. Harry of course on Louis' lap - the tall man curled up on top of him like he was a little kitten.

"Okay, before I start telling you everything you want to know - I would like to introduce you to my boyfriend Harry. Be nice to him because I intend to keep him forever."

Louis actually wanted to give his friends an apologetic look while he was doing this, but instead he can only look adoringly into Harry's eyes, which are already glaring back at him the same way.

"Oh god, I've never seen you so extremely cheesy," Niall laughs out loud, clapping his hands on his legs.

"Niall," Bree just hisses and then turns to the two of them, "Nice to meet you Harry. For real this time. I'm really trying to keep myself together here. I'll probably faint later when you're gone."

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