Chapter 24

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The album will be out tomorrow and Harry is a nervous mess. He hopes people will love his album and it will sell well. Because he is of the opinion that maybe the gay rumors have done something and Jess will be angry about it. Louis understands on the one hand that you probably believe it when it's drummed into you for years and on the other hand he can't understand why Harry takes this nonsense to heart. Louis tries to be understanding and yet sometimes he just wants to shake him to get all the lies he's been told out of him and free him from them. It's hard to bear seeing Harry so nervous who can't sit still for a moment, having already stress cleaned the house himself even though the cleaning ladies only left everything tidy yesterday. No matter how reassuringly Louis speaks to him, it only lasts for a short time and even if he tries to turn him on to distract him with sex - because Louis thinks the idea is grandiose - Harry doesn't jump at it.

Louis has had enough when Harry starts running wild in the kitchen to bake or cook who knows what. With a firm grip he pulls him into the living room, pushes him down onto the sofa, stands behind him and starts massaging his shoulders.

"Lou," Harry just wails and Louis has trouble holding him still, even sitting up he's fidgeting.

"Darling please, you're driving me crazy. And yourself too. Relax, enjoy the massage and just hold still," Louis tries to keep his voice easy. Because he, too, is now slightly desperate about the fact that he can't calm down Harry with anything.

"I can't. I have numbers to deliver. Halls to sell out!" Harry exclaims, wiggling his shoulders to shake Louis' hands off. But instead, Louis just holds on to him more tightly and continues to massage.

"And you will! People love you. Your new album is great. The public believes that the rumors about your sexuality are false and that you love Ella. Nothing has changed.

"Yes, yes. But actually I want the whole world to know that it's just not like that. And then I'd like to put out an album next with songs I've all written for you and the cover should show me bathed in rainbow colors. After that I want to retire and end my career. Come to rest - with you. But I want to be honest for once in my career. But what if no one is ready for that? What if my fans turn away?"

"I like to remind you of all the Gayrries and Larries," Louis is really trying to get Harry to think more rationally. Did Jess do more brainwashing without his knowledge? Although he doesn't think so, because they've already done that all those years before, and nervous Harry can't seem to resist the thought.

"But no one gives me a guarantee that this will be enough. I still have five years of contracts to fulfill! It's just a dream anyway." Harry's tone sharpened, leaving Louis a bit shocked, he had never spoken to him like that before.

"Oh my god please don't stress about it! Nobody can predict the future. Better enjoy the day today and the release tomorrow." Louis, too, now has to hold himself together not to lose his composure. But he can feel Harry becoming more and more isolated from him emotionally, the muscles under his hands tightening rather than relaxing.

"But I can not! You have no idea about the pressure I'm under."

Harry turns to him glaring, his otherwise loving eyes now narrowed and Louis can only stare back before suddenly snapping back.

"Yes, Harry! I've seen it with my own eyes for hours and the only thing I've been trying to do since this morning is to calm you down, but I have a feeling you want to get into it." Louis throws his arms wide apart and his tone is no longer calm.

Harry then jumps up and gestures with his hand in the direction of his front door. "I really don't want to argue with you anymore. Please go!"

Louis can't believe this is their first fight and Harry is throwing him out. "Wow Harry. Just wow," he says sarcastically, and he's too proud to ask Harry to reason with each other. Instead, he grabs his phone and car keys from the small shelf in the hallway and, without another glance at Harry, storms through the house and into the adjoining garage. Slamming doors, of course, because Louis definitely needs an outlet for his anger.

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