Chapter 19

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Since that morning, Louis has been observing how Harry is becoming quieter every hour, his gaze more harried and he radiates such a weird mood that it is now also transferring to Louis. The meeting with Jess and his assistant is about to begin at any moment, and Harry has been staring out the window for five minutes, expressionless awaiting their arrival. Louis, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite. He doesn't know what to expect and the only thing he intends to do is stay in the background as much as possible, only supporting Harry with his touches and presence instead. Harry has already expressed concerns that he has an uneasy feeling and that he is afraid of what they are about to do. He's been punished with a papwalk many times over the past few years for stepping out of line, but it's never been as serious as it has been. Never has he been caught with any of his ex-boyfriends or has the media been that interested. In the fandom itself, there has always been speculation, especially since Harry fueled it again and again with the targeted signs to his fans. The only freedom he has and the management grudgingly accepts because the general public pays no attention to it.

But now the case is different, even if they want to put it on the friendship track through the articles - it was clear what looks flew between Harry and Louis and what truth lay behind the words they spoke, even if they were supposed to be taken out of context as the articles portray it.

"They're coming," Harry says suddenly, grimacing slightly. Louis, who was pacing back and forth casting worried looks at Harry, stops and straightens his shirt and pants, brushes his fringe off his forehead and finally goes over to Harry, who he kisses on the temple. His gaze also slides out of the window and the car is already parked.

"We love each other and we are in this together," Louis murmurs, reassuring Harry in what has now become something of a mantra over the last few days. Harry's head snaps around at him and his eyes are already glistening with tears, but his smile makes up for it. Instead of an answer, he just leans down to him, rubs the tip of his nose against his, which is followed by a gentle kiss and he's on his way to the door, where the doorbell has already rung.

Louis is waiting down the hall and finally gets a glimpse of the man who is so in control of his boyfriend. Brown hair frames an average face and the slightly taller man than Harry is dressed in a suit, underlining that this is a business meeting. With the most fake smile Louis has ever seen, he shakes hands with Harry, which immediately disappears from his face as Harry greets his assistant and doesn't face him anymore. Already, Louis has to keep himself from saying a word about it and just clenches his fists tightly instead.

As Harry leads the two further into the house and the three of them stay by his side, Louis really tries to smile and just squeezes the men's hands a little too hard. Jess' eyes narrow for just a moment as they hold their hands for a moment too long in the power play and Louis can't help his next words.

"I'm in no way pleased to meet you."

Harry's eyes almost pop out of his head and then he smirks, leaving Jess with an angry expression. Louis doesn't care how it came across to management, instead he just carries his head a little higher, pulls Harry to his side by the waist and holds him there in a tight grip.

"Let's go into the dining room, there's enough space for all of us," Harry says in a mock cheerful voice because Louis can tell exactly how tense he is and that only makes his protective instincts grow even more.

Jess and his assistant, a reserved young man with blond hair and an otherwise friendly face, set off immediately and seem to know their way around the house very well.

"You're impossible, you know that?" Harry whispers, grinning softly and Louis just shrugs.

They follow the other men, Harry still in his arms, and take a seat across from the other two at the large table. While his assistant pulls all sorts of papers out of his briefcase, Jess wastes no time and immediately begins to speak - leaning back relaxed and with his fingers crossed in front of his stomach as if this were a happy get-together.

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