Chapter 23

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The sun shines brightly from the sky and burns down on them as they walk hand in hand through the streets of the small village. Their hands are already sweaty even after the short walk, but nothing could stop Louis from letting go of Harry. They're masked in hats and big sunglasses, and nothing feels better than finally being able to roam freely. What he's always wanted to do in LA and envied in other couples is finally a reality for him. Even if it only lasts for two weeks, he will savor every minute of it. With his chest puffed out proudly about the handsomest man in the world he can call his own, they stroll along the small shops and curiously look at the most interesting objects here and there. However, he needs clothes and when they finally pass a shop that sells such, they stop. Harry immediately begins to rummage through the stalls outside with curiosity, to feel the different fabrics between his fingers or holds shirts out to Louis or himself. Harry is in his element and while Louis watches fondly at first, he'd prefer to head into the shop to get out of the sun for a moment.

"I'm going in, okay?" Louis asks quietly, running his hand down Harry's back.

"Do that," Harry murmurs absently, continuing to browse without looking up. Louis chuckles softly and goes inside, breathing a sigh of relief because even though the shop isn't air conditioned, at least it's shaded and that's definitely a plus.

Immediately a woman comes up to him and kindly offers her help, which Louis gladly accepts. He tells her what he needs, including swim trunks, tank tops, and shorts, and she eagerly brings him everything, a few items each to choose from. Louis is about to go to the dressing room when suddenly someone outside shouts Harry's name loudly. Immediately his heart sinks into his pants and he sneaks a little closer to the entrance to see what's going on there. It's a young couple and while the boy is holding back, the girl is all over Harry. Including tears, phone in hand and pointing at Harry and babbles at him. Louis immediately retreats further back into the store. On the one hand he wants to hide and on the other hand he worries about Harry because they are traveling without a bodyguard. So they now can forget about being on the streets incognito again, the information about Harry's whereabouts will spread like wildfire on social media. The saleswoman looks dismayed between Louis, who is standing in her shop with the small mountain of clothes in his arms, frozen, and Harry, whom she cannot place according to the questioning look on her face.

"Are you famous or something?" she asks Louis quietly and his eyes deviate from Harry who meanwhile, as always nice, has a picture taken of himself and the girl.

"My boyfriend, yes. Not me. Please don't tell anyone that we were here together. Too much depends on it," Louis pleads. Her eyes instantly serious, she quickly comes up to him and pats his upper arm.

"I won't say anything, I promise. Whoever you are, your secret is safe here."

Louis smiles gratefully and then decides to go into the dressing room to be on the safe side so as not to run the risk of being discovered. The whole time he just stands behind the curtain, throwing his clothes randomly on the floor, trying to hear if he hears something from Harry and when he finally calls his name he immediately storms out.

"There you are," Harry exclaims, glancing sideways at the clerk watching them from behind the register.

"I'm assuming this will be our last outing," Louis murmurs, sadly burrowing into Harry's outstretched arms, which immediately enclose him.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't expect to be recognized here. It's such a small place," Harry says quietly.

"I have a celebrity boyfriend after all," Louis just shrugs, because it's the way it is and neither of them can do anything about it. "Do you think she saw me? Or will your location be popular on the internet?"

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