Chapter 36

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The next morning Andrew DeLuca woke up with the brightest of grins on his face. He was laying in Meredith's bed with her and they had had sex for the first time last night. As he opened his eyes he found her sitting next to him, looking at him. "Hi." He said as he saw her smiling now that he was awake. "Hi." She replied quietly. She had her massage balls in her hand and her ankle weights still on her ankles. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, observing her happily. "Yeah." She said, looking up at him again. She was still a little nervous about eye contact but she was getting better at it.

"And- are you feeling- alright?" he asked, wanting to find out what she was thinking. "Yeah I- I'm okay. Actually I think- I think I liked it yesterday. This feeling was- it was really good." She said shyly, lowering her eyes again. He just smiled at her. She had liked it after all now that she had had some time to process the new stimulation and feelings. So- maybe they would try it again sooner than he had expected. "That's great. I'm glad you liked it." He said, still not moving, trying to burn this image into his head. Because this was- all he had ever wanted. Waking up next to the most perfect human being on this planet had been all he had ever whished for.

"Your hair looks beautiful." He then said as he wasn't sure what to do and somehow only now noticed now how wonderful it looked, all golden, soft and wavy. "Thank you. I- took a shower in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep." She admitted, making him frown a little. "Do you want to cuddle a bit or get up to have breakfast?" he then asked, receiving a smile in response before she laid down in his arms and he carefully kissed her cheek.

"Breakfast can wait a little longer." She said. "Don't you have fix breakfast times like with dinner?" he asked, stroking her stomach. "Yeah. But I have three. On workdays it's at seven and on weekends or holidays it's either eight or half past eight." She explained. "So, we have another seventeen more minutes." She said, making him smile. He somehow loved this about her. "Okay." He said, making sure to keep those times in mind.

"Would you like us to spend the day together? Or would you rather have some alone time?" he asked after a few minutes of silence while both of them just enjoyed spending time together. "I have a question." She said instead of answering his but that was okay. "Sure, go ahead." He said, wondering what she would want to know. "Tomorrow is Valentines Day." She said, making the smile reappear on his face. "That wasn't a question Mer."

"Yeah- the question is that- usually couples spend that day together right? And we are a couple right?" she asked. "Yes we are. Do you want us to spend the day together tomorrow?" he asked, slowly starting to understand why this was her answer to his question. Because it was probably too much for her to spend two days in a row together. "I don't know but I think so because- because couples do that. But- if we spend the day tomorrow together then- then I'd rather have some alone time today." She said, slowly turning around to look at him. "That's fine with me. Do you already know what you want to do tomorrow?"

She shook her head, starting to fidget with the hem of his shirt once again. "I usually go climbing on Sundays with Dr. Wyatt at 3pm. But- I- I wouldn't like it if you'd be there too." She said and since he knew that she didn't understand that she had just said something slightly offensive he didn't react to it. He actually understood that. It was her time of the week to be all to herself and be able to get some sensory relief. So, he wouldn't want to disturb that.

"What about we go on a walk together in the morning and then have lunch together. And then you go climbing afterwards and I go home. I actually still have a few things to do, you know, chores. So, we could just spend the morning together." He suggested, kissing her head once again. "We don't have to spend the whole day together?" she asked, making him chuckle. "No, Mer, we can spend the day however we want to."

"Okay. Breakfast now." She said, sitting up. He just shook his head, laughing a little and following her down the stairs. "Uhm- we only have cereal." She then said, realizing that she didn't have anything to prepare a fancy breakfast like Andrew had a week ago. "Do you have milk, flour and eggs?" he then asked. "Yeah, why?" she asked confused, raising an eyebrow what just looked adorable. "I could make pancakes if you'd like." He gave back, receiving a big smile from her. "Yes that would be amazing!" she said happily, making him chuckle as he walked over to her and pulled her in for a kiss.

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