Chapter 23

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"The firework starts in ten seconds Andrew!" she exclaimed excitingly, burying herself even deeper into his arms. She loved fireworks, she loved the colours and sparkles but she was terrified of the loud noises. And of course that's why she had packed her noise cancelling headphones but she wanted to try to enjoy the firework without them, for Andrew. "You sure you don't want the headphones?" Andrew asked, grabbing them from the bag and holding them in front of her. "I want to try without them first." She said, but the second the first firework exploded in the sky, showing a wonderful red sparkle rain, she flinched, grabbing the headphones from him and putting them on. "Nope." She said, making him chuckle as he adjusted the blanket around her small form since he didn't want her to get cold.

Very carefully he pulled her onto his lap, letting her lean against him and very gently placing his arms on her stomach, holding her close as they watched the wonderful firework together. She had been absolutely right. This was the perfect date. It was more than just romantic it was really magical. After the incident with her trying the sandwich everything had went pretty well, no, great actually. They talked a lot, got to know each other a lot better, enjoyed their snacks and cuddled with each other. The most perfect evening ever.

But somehow he wanted to try something, although he wasn't sure whether she would like that or not since she was very sensitive and this would be new to her. Well, there was only one way to find out. So, very gently and slowly he opened her jacket a very small bit, carefully letting his hand slip inside, feeling her stomach and waist. As he felt her tensing up he immediately lifted up his hand, scared he might have frightened her but instead he felt her placing her little hand on his, gently pushing it back down onto her soft skin. He needed to be very thoughtful of what he was doing since he could easily go to far.

So, very slowly he moved his hand into her pants, not too far, just so he could gently stroke her lower abdomen before moving back up into her hoodie. He literally felt her melting into him, holding onto his arm, the one that was still laying on top of her jacket. She was enjoying this. She had only ever seen what Andrew was doing in movies so that she wasn't really sure what she was supposed to do. The only thing she knew was that it felt really good what he was doing. "Non fermati." (Don't stop) she whispered, making a huge smile to appear on his lips. She had no idea why she had said it in Italian but somehow it had just slipped out of her mouth and she hadn't really thought about it. Her brain felt in general as if someone had unplugged it and her lower stomach was starting to feel really warm while she also felt her heart starting to beat faster and faster. She felt his hand wandering up her body, soon arriving at her breasts where he very slowly started to draw circles with his thumb. All of the sudden a moan escaped her, and she immediately started to blush. It had just escaped her, entirely unintentionally.


About two hours later the firework was over. And the whole time during it Andrew had continued to touch her in a way no one had ever touched her before. It had been absolutely amazing and she had never felt so relaxed and at the same time tense and just- really, really good. As they were packing their bags and folding the blankets again while everyone else around them in the crowd was slowly starting to leave as well, neither of them said a word. Andrew had had the impression that Meredith had liked it but she at the same time had absolutely no idea what to say or do now. Because she had indeed enjoyed it. A lot. And somehow that scared her.

"The firework was really beautiful." Meredith said as they were walking through the park back to the parking lot. Andrew just chuckled. It was cute how clueless she seemed to be. He just took her hand in his, trying to calm her down with this gesture since she was obviously pretty nervous. "It was." He agreed, unlocking the car and loading their bags into the trunk. "What about you stay over at my place tonight?" he suggested. He knew he was shooting a little high with this and she probably wouldn't be comfortable with sleeping over but after the moments full of sexual tension just twenty minutes ago he felt as if he had been drugged.

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