Chapter 31

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The next two days Meredith spent in bed. She literally didn't have the energy to get up and as she did once to get herself some orange juice she had a meltdown in the kitchen. The fact that she had been in forced isolation for two days had damaged her routine in a very bad way and that she had three days off now somehow didn't really help her. During her therapy session with Dr. Wyatt which she had insisted on going to in person instead of doing it online she had suggested that maybe it would help her to get back to work as quickly as possible so that she could pick up on her routine and Dr. Wyatt had approved it, saying that it was probably a good idea.

Another problem was, that Andrew wasn't there. Somehow Andrew wasn't part of her routine yet so that it was challenging to spend time with him but now that he wasn't here and she hadn't seen him in two days she missed him. He was missing. He was part of her routine and at the same time he wasn't. And that was more than confusing. At least it was Sunday and she would go climbing today. This was the first time the past four days, something in her routine was working. And that felt really good. But first, she needed to text Andrew. Because she knew that he was somehow mad at her although she didn't exactly understand why. But she loved him and she needed to make sure that they were still together.

Hey she typed in, sending it after considering for a few more seconds.

Hey Mer, it's nice to hear from you. He texted back, sending a small smile to her lips.

Are we still a couple? She then asked getting straight to the point while starting to chew on her nails nervously.

Yes of course Mer! Why would you think that we aren't? he quickly replied, a little confused

Because you were mad at me right?

I was never mad at you Mer. I was concerned and didn't really know what to do. I wasn't mad, I promised you I wouldn't be mad at you and I would never break a promise. And even if I would be mad at you for a while I would never break up with you I promise you that. I hope you're feeling a little better now.

Okay she typed back, not really sure what to write.

Okay he texted back, a small red heart behind his message.

Are you feeling better? He wrote after a few seconds of silence since she hadn't answered his question yet.

But she didn't know how to reply. Was she feeling better? No. She wasn't. And she wouldn't be feeling better until she would get her routine back on track.

No but I realized that you're part of my routine now. She typed back

What does that mean? Andrew sent back a little confused, not really understanding what she wanted to tell him with that.

It means that I miss you. She typed back, a small smile on her lips as she pressed send.

I miss you too Meri. He wrote back, his heart warming up immediately. She missed him and he was part of her routine. That was definitely a good sign.

I hope you'll feel better soon when everything gets back to normal  he added, wating for her reply

I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow she typed back, smiling at his message

Okay, I can't wait to see you tomorrow he answered and she closed her phone, starting to get ready to drive to the climbing hall.


After three amazing hours of climbing and doing workouts as well as learning new skills Meredith was exhausted. She had just taken a shower and was now laying on the couch, watching TV. As always she was watching friends, for the millionth time already but it was her comfort show and she would never stop loving it. Amelia and Link were in the kitchen preparing dinner, Alex was out with a girl, on an actual date and Maggie was staying at Winston's place. Maggie and Winston had been together for about three months now while Amelia and Link only started dating a few days ago and he was over for the first time which was a challenge for Meredith. But she was happy for Amelia so that she tried to reduce her overstimulation by watching friends and humming quietly.

"Mer, dinner's ready!" she heard Amelia shouting from the kitchen after a while so that Meredith turned off the tv and walked over into the kitchen, sitting down in her usual spot. "Wow, you made Pizza." Meredith said smiling. "Yes, how was climbing?" Amelia replied, sitting down next to Link, opposite Meredith. "It was good." Meredith replied, avoiding eye contact with both Amelia and Link.

Just two weeks ago Link had been hitting on her, trying to get her to go on a date with him but she had chosen Andrew and now Link was with Amelia. And tonight he was in her kitchen. And somehow she felt a weird tension between them. "So, Link and I planned on going to the cinema after dinner, would you be okay a few hours on your own?" Amelia asked as they started to eat.

"Sure." Meredith replied, focusing on the Pizza. For some reason half of it was covered with mushrooms and although they had made a side without any for her, the view of the mushrooms in front of her made her uncomfortable. Because by just looking at them her brain put together how their texture would feel in her mouth and that just made her want to run away. For some reason she couldn't stop looking at them at the same time. As if they were going to attack her any second.

While being occupied by the mushrooms she didn't even notice that Amelia and Link were talking to each other which would have been great because she didn't want to listen to their conversation but the view of the shrooms was worse. So, she tried to focus on her piece of pizza. 

Hope you like the new part =) 

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