Chapter Three: The Value of a Life

Start from the beginning

They quickly packed up their campsite before making their way to the building.

This time when they entered, the lines were much shorter and the atmosphere less tense. As the pair walked forward to take their place in line, a water guard approached them.

"Good morning, Sirs," he said with a shake in his voice. "There's a new window opening on this side. We'll help you right away."

Boden blinked at him. "Oh, well, thanks." The guard led the way as Boden turned his head Adrian's way. "That's convenient for us. Maybe your positive attitude is bringing us some luck."

He shrugged. "Yeah, maybe."

They approached a counter with a grated fence between them. Water guards were frantically moving around behind it, one nudging the window open and trying to act casually as he asked a bit too sweetly, "What brings you to our humble water post?" Someone behind him elbowed him in the gut. "Er, I mean, bring your cart around and we'll help you out. Here's your slip. Just hand it to them and they'll fill 'er up." He gave Boden a small piece of paper while shooting a scared glance at the blond man beside him.

Adrian stood with his arms folded, glaring him down.

"Oh, how much are you selling for?" Boden asked, taking the slip with an odd expression on his face.

The water guard rubbed the back of his head. "Just bring it round back and they'll fill it up."

He didn't seem to understand. "I see. Well thanks, I guess."

"No," the guard said, plastering a strange smile onto his face, "thank you, good sir." He was elbowed in the side again.

Boden raised an eyebrow before leaving. As they walked out, he mumbled, "Perhaps they make payments out back now."

After pulling their cart up, Adrian noticed a group of guards huddled together, pointing over at him. When he approached, they scattered, trying to look natural as they did. One of the men began wiping something mindlessly with a dirty cloth while another was sharpening his already sharp blade while leaning awkwardly against a wall.

Boden handed the slip of paper to one of the guards who stood straighter as he took it.

"You've got five barrels with you?" the guard asked. "We'll fill them all up for you."

"Now hold on," Boden interjected. "What about payment? There's no way I can afford five barrels all at once."

"Oh, uh," the guard fumbled over his words. "It's already been taken care of anonymous vendor." He glanced at Adrian as he said it, and the blond frowned in return. "Thanks for doing business with us," he said quickly, his voice cracking.

The guards moved at the speed of light to fill the empty barrels in the back of Boden's cart. The older man watched them, the same bewildered expression still covering his face. When they had finished at record speed, the pair was sent on their way; Boden climbing into the front seat and Adrian following after.

"What happened back there?" Boden asked as they were driving down the road.

"What do you mean?" Adrian replied not so subtly.

"I mean, I've never seen water guards act so strangely or seen them be nice for that matter, and the water was already paid for...Ian," he turned to him seriously. "Were you the anonymous vendor?"

"No," he said too quickly.

He sighed. "Listen, I can't have you spending your hard-earned coin on me."

"I didn't spend anything," he assured, which was the truth. "I promise you I didn't spend a single coin on this journey." He patted the little sack of coins in his pants pockets.

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