"Kaleb." He read out as they approached the gym. "Has a problem with authority so either he listens, or we kill him."

Rina laughed at that and took the papers from him so that she and Natalie could look over it. "This MG here looks really kind, do you think he'll survive around our vamps?"

At the mention of MG, Malik shot a look at Natalie who was purposely avoiding his gaze. "I mean with a friend like Natalie around, he'll be just fine."

"We're just friends!" Natalie gasped at him, her cheeks heating up at the insinuation.

"Never said you weren't." Malik teased her with a wide grin on his face.

Natalie reached over and shoved his shoulder making him let out a loud laugh. Hope and Rina shook their heads at their antics before they came to a halt outside the opened gym doors. They weren't even the slightest bit surprised to see Lizzie and Josie standing inside, or that Lizzie was trying to talk them out of leaving.

"You guys are really going to betray everyone here and leave?" Lizzie questioned with a look of complete disbelief on her face. "Don't you know what they've done?! Who the founders of that school are!?"

"Do you know who the founders of your school are?" Malik spat as he entered the room, the air in the room becoming tense.

"Terror Trio." Lizzie greeted with a fake smile on her face before glaring at Natalie. "And their pet."

"Watch it." Hope warned her with a glare of her own. "You really don't want to pick a fight here with us Lizzie."

Lizzie scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "And why's that?"

Rina practically laughed before realizing that she was being serious. "Do you even know advanced type magic?" She questioned and neither twin spoke, instead they squirmed under the gaze of the four Mikaelson's. "Wait so you don't know how to use offensive magic? Like nothing at all? Holy shit that's pathetic."

"Well, I'm sorry, not all of us could have murders for parents." Lizzie shot back at her, and Josie winced when she noticed the dark expressions on their faces.

Malik stepped forward and Lizzie took a step back. "If you want to talk about murders then let's talk about how Alaric attempted to kill my family, thus killing the entire race of vampires because when one original goes down then all vampires do. Though I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since it was my grandmother's doing." He spat at her.

"Mal-" Josie tried but he wasn't done.

"No let's talk about how Caroline murdered someone when she first turned into a vampire, a story told to us by out Aunt Bonnie. You remember her don't you? The same witch that gave up every single drop of happiness in her life because it benefited Elena. Don't get me started on Elena, she turned off her emotions and went on a spree, much like Caroline did too. Crazy. Your precious founders are just as bad as our parents, Alaric is a hypocrite since he's friends with murderers like Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, and Caroline Forbes. They have more blood on their hands than you could ever fucking imagine but you're not ready for that conversation." He seethed at her, and Lizzie gulped. "Are you?"

Lizzie was practically shaking as Malik let his eyes glow and she knew that he could kill her if he really wanted too. She knew that her dad wanted the schools to get along but after hearing the stories and reading the books filled with stories of the past, she couldn't bring herself to do so.

"Malik." Josie sighed while pulling Lizzie back and away from him. "She didn't mean it."

"No, she meant it." Hope spoke up while pulling Malik back as well and stepping in front of him. "This entire school judges our family over a one-sided story and then you all expect us to like you? To get along because our schools serve the same purpose?" She scoffed. "No, never going to happen. You want to know why?" Hope stepped forward so she was inches away from Josie. "Because the academy doesn't shelter their students like Alaric does with you all. You can't even defend yourself without magic probably, can you? Compared to us, compared to every supernatural being alive right now, you are beneath everyone. You are nowhere near our level when it comes to magic or what we're capable of."

"So, watch your mouth before you lose a tongue." Natalie finished for her cousin. "You know where the door is right?"

Josie didn't fight it, instead she grabbed Lizzie and pulled her sister from the room. She was sure they were going to be the talk of the school now thanks to her sister and she was not looking forward to it with their birthday coming up in a couple days.

Hope sighed and ran a hand down her face. "Now that horrible interaction is over, we're the Mikaelson's and in charge of confirming whether or not you're actually going to transfer."

"We already filled out the transfer sheets." A voice spoke up and they all looked to the vampire. "Why would our transferring be up to you?"

Hope grinned, a sense of disrespect was coming from the male, and she hated it. "You're talking to a tribrid, three actually, show a little respect." She spat at him. "If you can't handle the tests that we're about to put you through then you're not allowed to join our school." When no one spoke, Hope knew exactly who was going first. "Kaleb Hawkins, you're up first."

The vampire who spoke stepped forward and Hope grinned once more.

She was going to break him.

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