The Future Within Reach!

Start from the beginning

Soon, the entire room was in commotion at the test site as they were screaming things out to others. "STABILIZE IT! WE ALMOST HAVE IT SO FUCKING STABILIZE THE THING OR IT ALL GOES TO HELL!" one person could be heard yelling.

Izuku was now at the edge of his seat while biting his nails due to nervousness.

"Zuku," Izuku looked down and saw Eri giving him the best reassuring smile she could, "don't worry, everything will be alright."

And just like that, all his worries vanished as he hugged his little sister, "you are right Eri, let's put our faith in Verdant just like everyone else."

After a bit more the room was blinded with a large bright light from the machine that was in the experiment room and soon they could all see clearly again as in the room stood a machine that had some weird texture in the center moving around.

After a bit more the room was blinded with a large bright light from the machine that was in the experiment room and soon they could all see clearly again as in the room stood a machine that had some weird texture in the center moving around

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"Woh!!!" everyone stared at the screen with awe and fascination in their eyes.

"It's beautiful," Mei said, her eyes lighting up like a child in a toy store.

"Bro, it looks like something straight out of science fiction," Sero said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Just imagine how would they all react if a man walks out of that portal right now and says 'Keel before me!'," Kaminari laughed but soon realized that no one else was laughing with him.

"Kaminari," Izuku glared at the boy, "just hope that you haven't jinxed something terrible on us."

"My Emperor! We have stabilized it and are preparing to send an advanced unit of Verdant troops that are all clones. I'm switching the video feed to their cameras as we watch it happen." said the scientist which Izuku confirmed.

"Honestly I never thought that after the U.S. government, it will be a 17-year-old child who will send the next man to the moon," Yagi chuckled to himself, "really, what a strange world we live in."

All of the Verdant Guards were now standing near Izuku as well as they were all standing up and watching.

"Wow! Never thought our names will be written in the history books, alongside Izuku," Himiko said with a heavy voice. She had never imagined that she will be able to live a normal life, let alone be a part of a history-making group she would call home.

"Yeah, and that is such an upgrade from police record books," Dabi added with a wide grin on her face.

Nezu opened his mouth and took a guess what just happened. "May I take a guess and say you just achieved teleportation technology?" Nezu asked the entire room but Izuku and his Verdant Guards were in shock as they looked at Izuku.

"He is not entirely wrong but Verdant is already way past that," Mina said.

The Verdant members didn't look shocked instead they looked confused since it was an open fact in the organization they had teleportation technology.

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