Growth & Overhaul!?

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Several weeks have passed and the Verdant group has been expanding their influence in the underworld and taking control of more prefectures without the public or government noticing.

"At this rate, Verdant will take over the country in no time, and the entire war will be just them publicly acquiring the prefectures," Aizawa said.

The Verdant publicly controlled everything in purple while they controlled all of the light blue prefectures, the pink prefectures, and the following of the green prefectures; Kanagawa, Saitama, and Gunma in the underworld without publicly control...

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The Verdant publicly controlled everything in purple while they controlled all of the light blue prefectures, the pink prefectures, and the following of the green prefectures; Kanagawa, Saitama, and Gunma in the underworld without publicly controlling them since Izuku wanted to demoralize the heroes and government with a constant taking of prefectures to show that no matter what they did they didn't stand a chance at winning.

"Honestly, it feels like Verdant is playing chess while everyone is still trying to play tic-tac-toe," Momo giggled, "jokes aside, right now Verdant has captured enough land to forcefully bring the government to the negotiation table."

"But that would make things too easy," Midnight sighed, "and wars never end this easily."

The death count currently stood at 35,000 on the government side, and 200 people on the Verdant side, with 1,000 civilian deaths so far. The civilian count wasn't pleasing to Izuku but he knew it would only rise.

'I am sorry,' were the only words that came to Izuku's mind as he placed a hand on his heart and prayed for their souls.

The membership of the organization after taking control of all the villain and criminal organizations in these areas has risen from 800,000 members to 1,150,000 members. Their combat forces stood at 580,000 members which now equaled the combined forces of the Japanese military forces, the heroes, and the police force all combined.

"They are really lucky that Verdant is taking it slow and capturing one prefecture at a time otherwise an all-out war with this kind of forces on both sides would have definitely ruined our country no matter who won at the end of the war," Nezu said.

Izuku was happy at that and knew that he still had a slight disadvantage against the military due to their advanced weapons. 'Nothing beats old-fashioned military weapons and guns.' Izuku thought as he sat in his office deciding on the next move.

"Finally someone said it," Snipe said exasperatedly, "I am telling this to you guys for so long."

"Yeah, yeah we get it," Vlad King rolled his eyes.

Izuku in honesty wanted to gain control of the entire south side of Japan before pushing north but he knew things don't always work in his favor and right as he thought of that Dabi knocked on his office door and came in with some disgusting news.

"Yep! Just as things were going smoothly something happened," Izuku said with a tired sigh, "just my Izuku luck."

"We've found a Yakuza that I want to wipe out. They can't be combined with us due to their sick crimes. They are experimenting on children, well rather, one child. A girl named Eri from what we found out via the spy network is that the boss Overhaul is making quirk erasing bullets like we are." Dabi stated.

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