Hosu Aftermath

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Narrator:- Grey.

The Media was talking about the attack in Hosu and this included multiple topics. One was the Nomu creatures, the next was Stain, and the last was the new group of possible vigilantes.

"Media must be having a field day with so many things to report and so many people to throw blame at," Mic said.

"Damm Vultures! Always flying over our head, waiting for heroes to mess up," Aizawa grumbled.

Everyone was wondering what these creatures were that had attacked the city since the police and UA didn't release news about it from the U.S.J attack. As such, people not involved in the event nor related to the case didn't know about them.

"Yeah, I can't imagine how weird or scary all of that must have looked for someone who doesn't know what Nomu is," Mina said.

This also meant that the media didn't connect them to the League of villains either even though those that were in the knowledge of the Nomu knew about it.

"So another divergence," Momo hummed, "in our timeline, the League got all of the credit for the attack, and hence their popularity grew which got them the attention of various high-profile villains."

"Also, Stain's big speech about fake heroes didn't go viral so people are not idolizing him and selling his merch," Izuku said.

"Wait! People were selling my merch?" Stain asked wide-eyed.

"People will capitalize on anything and everything as long as it is making a profit for them," Momo said.

Next was the fact that Stain had landed a new target which was Native. However, they were also talking about how he had fought a hero student whose name wasn't released due to not having a hero license.

"You really dodged a bullet there kid," Gran said, "I have seen people's careen getting destroyed for much smaller issues than this."

"Yes I will take this as a lesson and always keep it in my mind," Iida said.

Then, the media touch upon the new group of what they saw as vigilantes.

"I guess, we are finally getting the exposure," Izuku said.

"It seems we helped a lot during this event," Dabi said, "it was impossible for them to ignore us."

They were talking about the Verdant vigilantes since the name of the group was known but not much outside of that. The media was talking about how the group saved civilians from the creatures that had attacked Hosu and supported the other heroes before retreating when Endeavor arrived and had attempted to attack one. The media did hit Endeavor a bit for that since he decided to try and capture the vigilantes instead of the present threat of the creatures so Endeavor was pissed lately for the media going after him.

"You had to make it worse for heroes and yourself," Aizawa sighed.

"And? What else do you want me to do? Let the vigilantes run around without consequences" Endeavor asked.

"No, but saving people's lives should be first priority," Nezu said, "and if someone is helping with that you should let them be for, now at least. You can always continue your game of cat and mouse when no one is dying."

The public was also not happy with him but it would tamper out over timebut it just only added more fuel for Izuku to use against Endeavor later on.

"See, that's what I was saying," Aizawa said, "a hero is always walking on an eggshell. And the truth is no matter how many lives you save or villains you stop. At the end of the day, all it takes is one bad incident to make all of it useless."

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