Expanding & New Bases

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Narrator:-Izuku Midoriya

I was happy with the growth of my foundation. As the time passed between the UA exam and the first day of school, my organization grew from a few thousand men to 30,000 individuals total.

"I am really concerned about that world. Like how Midoriya gathered a small army for himself and no one even knows that he exists," Midnight said.

"You are focusing on the wrong aspect of this situation," Aizawa said, "it took him almost a year to gather 20 thousand men but this time he gathered 10 thousand more in less than a month." 

"I see," Endeavor said, "so he is gaining influence as well."

Now you might be wondering how I achieved that. Well, it was quite simple, I capitalized on all of the gangs that were in our surrounding cities and soon got them all to rally under my banner. After that, I sent the recruitment team to gangs in the surrounding areas to start recruiting people. There are also other villains that would join the organization as well.

"You know, on-screen bone-braking kid reminds me of this villain from old comics," Hawks said, "what was his name again... something related to the king."

"Ohh!!! Are you talking about Kingpin?" Izuku jumped in his seat, "now that you mentioned it I can see some resemblance as well."

However, I had set up some ground rules. There was no random killing of people, there were no crimes against children, no selling of humans, and no petty crimes allowed either. The reason that I put this into place was due to the fact that I was aiming to have a reputable organization that wasn't filled with just normal criminals and villains. No! I wanted an organization that the general public would respect compared to the heroes like Endeavor.

"Hehe! My respect for that kid is growing more and more," Dabi said.

"I agree," Shoto added, "I like our Midoriya but I can see myself betting along with that one as well."

While Naomasa was looking at the screen intently, "Interesting!" he said, "I have come across many villains in the past but no one had this kind of thinking. I mean I have come across many villains who had bizarre ideologies before but this is the first time I agree that these rules are good for both, heroes and the public."

As such, I limited the number of crimes that people were committing if they were even allowed to commit crimes, to begin with since I made a requirement for all crimes to be preplanned and approved by the crime department.

"Isn't it ironic that a criminal organization has a dedicated crime department," Jiro said with a dry laugh.

People were concerned about feeding themselves and being forced out of their homes. However, I took care of that since I had Giran purchase a wide range of bases that could fit all of my men throughout the areas that I controlled.

"No wonder they all are this loyal to him," Himiko said.

"Yeah, they must be thinking that the boy is some kind of messiah or something," Compress added.

As such, I ended up dumping a large amount of money but it wasn't an issue for me since I was a multi-millionaire with a current net worth sitting at around $600 Millon dollars. Due to all of the cash inflow I had from the gangs and the cash they had I was able to increase the amount of money I had by investments and short-selling foreign companies.

"He will soon surpass my family's current net worth," Momo mumbled out loud.

"Just asking for a reference but what is your family's net worth?" Izuku asked.

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