The fall of Aichi

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Everyone in the Verdant group was scrambling around upon the orders that Izuku had given out. A total of 15 separate advanced units would be sent out in addition to massive amounts of clones of those advanced units within Aichi. The overall defense line that they had between the prefectures of Aichi and Verdant controlled Mie had started their assault on the defensive line that the government had while reinforcement was being supplied from multiple different bases across the organization. Each base always kept 3 advanced units on hand prepared for combat at any moments notice which allowed for the rapid response and support of the attack. As such, they were able to rebuild the defensive line they had in the Prefecture of Mie quickly in the event the quick-response assault without any real pre-planning being made failed.

"Government provided them with such a good opportunity that even if they failed they won't lose much either," Nezu said.

"But losing is not an option," Izuku replied, "losing with such an overwhelming advantage will cause a huge blow to the organization. Not to mention that losing here will give our opponents time to recover and reinforce other territories, which will be bad for us in the long run."

While all of this was going on, Izuku and his Verdant Guards all appeared in a command post stationed in Mie that was about 5 minutes away from the defense line.

"Oye green! Is it really ok for you to be so close to the battlefield since someone just tried to take your head?" Jiro asked.

"Logically no, it doesn't make sense for me to be there but, it's better this way," Izuku explained, "I don't want people to compare me to the head of government organizations who sit in their chairs while soldiers fight in the field."

You could hear the sirens going off that was ordering every civilian to retreat from the combat zone as large explosions ripped across the battlefield.

"Oye Nerd! What happened to your moto of securing civilians first?" Bakugo asked.

"No... something is not right," Izuku said as he stared at the screen, "even though this is a surprise attack we won't launch explosions without evacuating civilians... unless... wait! Battleships!"

Izuku was quickly gaining information on where all of their forces and enemy forces were currently located at. "I WANT THE CLONES ON THE NAVY SHIPS PREPARED TO STOP ANY ATTACKS FROM THEM AND TO SINK AS MANY SHIPS AS POSSIBLE IF THEY DECIDED TO BOMB OUR MAIN TROOPS IN AICHI!" Izuku yelled as he was moving back and he knew he heard someone confirm his order and relay it to the communications device they had with a few of the clones on the ship.

"That Brat! How can he order to sink those ships without any care in the world? Does he even know how much they cost?" Nighteye grumbled.

"Not more than the life of his people," Gran reapplied to him.

Within minutes of the attack starting between the two forces on the defensive line, the news broke of the battle as everyone was wondering why the battle started in only Aichi and not the rest of the defense line which Verdant had done in the south defense line.

"Because we had to fight for other defense lines while this one was a gift from heroes because we presented our leader in front of them," Himiko said.

Izuku ignored the media as he focused on the information flowing in from the bug users.

"Good," Aizawa hummed in approval, "make this a habit and it will greatly help him in the future."

They actually never bring the actual bug user out of the main hidden base since she was so valuable for the organization and overall war front. It was similar to the teleportation gate user as the main individual never left the base either. They always had 4 advanced teams with them as well since they were extremely valuable to the organization and war effort but now we are diverging from the war.

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