Part 89 (This Is It)

Start from the beginning

"Um, I know you have to put him quickly in the incubator. But I was wondering if I could see him for a split second before you do? Just in case I don't make it..."

"Of course." I grab and squeeze Blake's hands as they put the needle in my back, it was so uncomfortable. Seconds later, I couldn't feel my lower body.

"Is dad coming with us?"

"Can I? I thought I couldn't cause it was risky."

"No, you can come. She could use the distraction and motivation. Just put this on." The doctor gives him a medical scrub and he quickly changes... Next thing I know, I was in surgery room about to get my belly open.


Blake's P.O.V.

"Is he out yet?" Gaia asks me with her oxygen mask.

"Not yet." I gently stroke her hair. "You're the bravest woman I know. I love you so much."

"It feels weird." She says.

"You're gonna feel a lot of pressure down there, it's normal." A nurse says.

"He'll be here soon." I let her know. "How you feeling?"


"You sure?"

"Yeah." Suddenly we hear cries.

"Alright, he's out! Here you go, dad." The doctor says. I quickly cut his umbilical cord and they clean him so I could take it to Gaia.

"Babe, look." I tell her.

"Hi, sweetheart." She smiles with tears of happiness.

"Hey, buddy. That's mommy." I look over at her and she starts to pass out. "Gaia? Hey, guys."

"We need more suction here. We're getting some high blood pressure."

"G? G, baby look at me."

" Got a lot of bleeding here!"

"Okay, Mr. Griffin? I'm gonna need you to step outside."

"Wait." They take the baby from me. "Gaia!"

"It's okay. Come with me." They take me out of the room and I sit on a bench. I cry thinking the worst as I wait for minutes out here!

"Hey." My mom says walking to me, with Asher.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"You've got doctor clothes on." Asher says.


"Everything okay?" Mom asks.

"Hey, buddy. Why don't you go wait with grandpa?"

"Can I see mommy first?"

"Not yet. She's still in there. But soon, okay?"

"Okay." He runs off.

"It's a boy... But she lost a lot of blood so they made me wait out here. And I don't know what's going on in there 'cause they're making me wait out here. They just don't come out and tell me anything." I say with my voice breaking.

"Oh, it's gonna be okay." Mom cries and hugs me. "I'm here for you. All right?"

"I've never been so scared in my life, mom."

"How are they?!" Mr and Mrs. K come over walking fast.

"Baby's fine. I don't know about her yet..."

"Oh God." Mrs. K. cries.

We've waited for an hour now and I was getting desperate. Until finally some news!

"Mr. Griffin?" The doc walks out.

"Yes!" I shot up.

"The baby's fine, he looks healthy."

"And my wife?"

He looks down... "I'm sorry, sir. We did the best we could."

"Nooo!! My baby!!" Mrs. K. cries, falling into her husband's arms. I was in shock... I couldn't breath, I felt like my heart was ripped out...

"We managed to stop the bleeding but we lost her pulse along the way. I'm so sorry."

"Fuck!" I yell and punch the wall. I crouch down and start crying. Please God, let this be a dream! Don't take her from me!! My whole life has just been destroyed, I want to punch people! Please let me die and bring her back! I want... I WANT HER BACK!!


..........Thoughts? Feelings?

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